It make you wonder how they would go at towing, as it looks as though they are not very good at carrying
They are actually very good at carrying, also very good for towing.
However, as in any vehicle they have to be loaded correctly & whoever the idiots were that decided that these boxes on a dual cab creating that much overhang was a good idea need to have a career change.
Imagine for a moment Tony, if the van in your profile pic had it's rear axle moved forward say 2 feet, how do you reckon it would handle?
This is effectively the same thing.
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3
The four door variety of most of those "aussie" utes leaves very little option for the vehicle to be loaded correctly.
I had a friend visit me a few months ago with an aussie built 5th wheeler and an earlier model Izuzu space cab ute.
Even though it was a space cab the hitch for the caravan was still behind the c/l of the rear axle by a good 200 mm or so to allow for turning.
I do realise that the hitch or goosneck on the van can be extended but this obviously lengthens the combination.
It appears to me that maybe the Mitsubishi is the worst of them all when it comes to rear overhang.
If only the manufacturers of these utes would make a COMFORTABLE 2 door ute with leg room for anyone taller than 5'6"
This configeration of ute is built only for tradie use and is not designed for genuine touring.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"