When typing in a link to a website, how do you do it so it is clickable to take one straight there? I see you can click on the HTML box to copy a link but what then to make it clickable for others reading the post?
To expand on what John has given you, you can produce some very long links. For example - https://www.caravansplus.com.au/shurflo-accumulator-pulsation-dampener-female-fittings-p-10819.html - You can get shorter neater links by inserting a link heading - SHURflo Accumulator / Pulsation Dampener - then underline it - SHURflo Accumulator / Pulsation Dampener and while the heading is still highlited click on the link symbol to get up the insertion box that John pictured and follow the rest of his instructions. If you click on both links you will see that they go to the same page but the second one can produce shorter, neater links.
-- Edited by PeterD on Monday 16th of April 2018 10:18:03 PM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.