I need to replace my spare wheel which takes a 185-14c Tyre. Just thought did of the well travelled GN might know where I might find one. Itās off a Jayco Heritage with a Ford stud pattern.
You will need the information stamped on the wheel (rim) to get the correct replacement and the correct offset, once you have that just buy off ebay or gumtree you don't need a brand new one and don't go to a caravan repairer.
JoeJan, I agree with Kebbin's info but if the wheel has the same stipulations as those on my Discovery, you may find that Jayco is the only supplier (& they are not cheap).
I tried everywhere to get an alternative (& found my local dealer wasn't very helpful) - there was a possibility of a steel wheel in Brisbane but I would have had to go there to check it.
And just to be nice, I found the wheel/tyres were sitting just under the weight limits of the van!!
I'm on my second s-hand Jayco - perhaps no more in the future!!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!