As we are trying to get as much info as possible for our upcoming change of status from "casual Caravanners" to "fulltime ones" I would like to turn to Full time Grey nomads in regards to Caravan insurances - I did a search of this topic but could not find any info that relate to the "full time status"
We are at the moment with CIL and have received the renewal notice and it went up by $19 per month, and this without talking to them about our future changes.
Who you are insuring with if you are full time on the road? any feedback will be appreciated.
If you still have a postal address ( kids address) do you have to declare that you are full time on the road?
we use Ken Tame. You have to be a member of CMCA to insure with them also they cover both car and van. You can't just cover van.
They accept your full time on the road and your policy acknowledges it.
Cost is about $2000 per year.
If one has an address of a family member to inform an Ins company ,and you clearly visit the said address for a period during the ensuing year ,the law must assume that you in fact are not on the "road " full time ! Your policy may vary ,however one needs to read the fine print to see if you have an avenue for a fair and reasonable justification for not being a true 12 month nomad.I do not accept 2K for ins myself !! May the good luck force be with you ! john
Westy. Some people I know are like slinkies. They look really funny when you push them downstairs !
I am probably a little out of date these days ... but most insurers assume a caravan is only used for a % of a year - ie it is stored at a residence for most of the year. It is on that basis the determine their premium/s.
They usually state that in their policy that the cover is dependent on the caravan not being used full time - ie as a primary residence whether travelling full time or set up in a park - but not always. Caveat Emptor.
At the time I took our my policy the only one I found was CIL who insure the van "Australia-wide" and it is in my policy that it is used for full-time travel. It is probably reflected in the premium - but it was not in my interest to have a claim disallowed because the insurer didn't know it was used full-time on the road.
I believe Ken Tame (or the mob who have taken his business over) provide 'Australia-wide' coverage for full-time travellers.
For those who do travel full-time in their van it is wise to seek confirmation that the van is covered for full-time use as distinct from "X" months per year.
As always, it is the questions you ask that get the right answers - not just what they tell you - make sure it is specifically in the policy.
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Thanks for that information John, (Rockylizard), it is appreciated I shall enquire when my renewal is due, as I had assumed that if I was not covered for travelling 365 days a year, someone would have mentioned it
In the meantime (if I have a claim)
I only travel fourteen days a year yer oner, and was seven days away from home when it happened
I do have a home address, and travel less than six months a year, but if I did travel full time, I would still have a home address somewhere
Not trying to split hairs or anything, but unles I made a claim each and every day of the year, how would they know if I was a full time or part time traveller
With CIL if you tell them that the caravan is your 'usual home' you get extra coverage for other accomodation if the caravan has to go in for repairs, with a $4500 limit instead of $2100 limit, both at maximum of $150 per day, if it isn't your usual home. I have no idea if it affects the premium cost or not, but they definitely do allow full time travel and we have never been asked how much we travel and their PDS does not state that you need to. You can always ring them and make enquiries without telling them your details if you want.
Thank you all for your replies, as always much appreciated, I did contact CIL to asked why the premium went up that much this year and was told it was because of all the bad weather ( storm, floods) that occurs on the East Coast, did not want to know that were we live it did not affect us , he only option to reduce this year premium was do reduce insured value of the caravan , not sure I want to do that so at the moment I am looking at NRMA that have very similar cover, just need to go through the PDS ...
If anyone has experience with NRMA for caravan insurance I will welcome any feedback .