Have camped there a few times overnight and once at Linville. There was also talk of closing the showers at Anzac Memorial Park to discourage people from overstaying. Don't know if that has been the case or not. I had put a note in the free/budget campsites section last month when it was passed by council. Linville is a nice quiet spot (with toilet) 7k or was it 11k, can't remember off hand away from the highway near Moore. The camp in Moore is right beside the highway. Cheers.
One of the shopkeepers today told me that "council has decided to a) make ALL sites in the shire 20hrs max, b) to ban ALL tents from all sites and c) might start to lock up toilets at night as well"
Shopkeepers are up in arms as lots of their trade is take-aways from campervans & backpackers who often have a small tent, and who welcome the toilets being open all night