A powerful storm which locals have described as a "mini cyclone" or a Rooster-eyed bob" has lashed parts of the Wheatbelt, tearing roofs from homes and buildings, uprooting trees and knocking over power poles on Good Friday evening.
We were driving from Mt Gibson to Perinjori on the Wannera East Rd when this storm hit. Never been so scared in my life. We could not even see the antennae on the roo bar. The winds were so strong that the road was littered with branches & a tank lid flew in front of us. We could not pull over as that road has steep embankments. When it eased a little I managed to get 2 photos. The temperature dropped from 42 to 21 in about 30 minutes. Ahead was a truck with 4 trays/loads & behind us a car between us & our friends caravan.
We were down to approx 25kl & certainly needed a cuppa when it finally finished. We changed our minds about our campsite that night as it would now be mud & stayed @ Caron Dam
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store or under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.