Why do people stay put when they know flooding is possible and why dont caravan park owners move people out it all about money , Now caravan and motorhome owner will know all about that now . this flooding was known about days earleir so they had plenty of time to move on .
It had me beat. With what went on on the Captain Cook Hwy on Sunday, then the next lot of ran that hit the tablelands (that has to run downhill), and it then moved down to Cairns. There's no WAY I would of been sitting at the base of that hill, beside a major run off creek, while the Barron was flooding from Tinaroo down, on top of the big falls we've had from early February. Unbelievably silly to be there. However, I don't think southerners appreciate the sheer volumes of water dumped during the wet season.
If Iris turns on us, we'll be in trouble, Tinaroo is also pretty close to going over.