has any one having bought a $300 motorised jockey wheel from e bay then bought a opitec around $2000 ? just wondering is there a big difference (power wise) thinking about buying one and does it suit your needs thanks
Hi - I bought a $300 type off ebay and works well but difficult to use on a van. thinking of buying the Optitec now $2200 and as it is a remote controlled and steerable type would allow one person to use and move the van. I hope someone can shed some more light on this before I buy one.
Maybe elaborate on what you mean by "a noticeable difference in power".....does that relate to the Optitec's ability to climb gradients, grassy slopes, turn a tandem trailer, or just the wattage of the motor?
I looked at this type of caravan mover and rejected all models both single and dual wheel simply because they could not be relied upon to climb a grassy or gravelly gentle slope without slipping - if/when they slip the caravan becomes uncontrollable and in my situation with a long, narrow uphill driveway if the van started slipping for whatever reason it would first run over me and then onto the road to create more mayhem.
On level surfaces they would be great, but as always it's horses for courses.