The media have been on again about this so called turf war again after the Tarthra fire, where the RFS are reported to have declined assistance from the Board based on the terrain where they were fighting the fire and the type of vehicle they had available (pumper).
In the streets of Tarthra the Board was asked to provide assistance as they were impacted by the fire and they did a terrific job.
I have been an RFS member for over 39 years in the Blue Mountains and the RFS has an extremely good relationship with the Board fire fighters we have worked together on many many occasions, we have supported the Board at property fires and they have helped us to protect life and property during bush-fires.
A pumper is not a suitable vehicle to take onto a fire trail or off road and the guys on the ground from the Board do not want to take them off the bitumen. on the news report on the ABC the guy talking up the so called turf war was the union repfor the board and the union has played this game numerous times in the past.
The unions initial approach to the RFS was based on RFS members joining their union which we rejected immediately as we are all volunteers and have no interest in unions in this area of our lives. We did explain to the union that the NSW RFS had more members than the NSW Fire and Rescue and we would on that basis have the major say in what the union did, and they backed off for a long time
we ask that you pay no attention to this so called turf war because those of us on the fire front work very well together and respect each others skill set and professionalism and we dont need this sort of carry on, I also believe the media are also trying to create something in the way of a story but you will notice that none of the community of Tarthra agreed with the reporter on this.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
I have to admit I know sod all about the politics of the CFA RFS Board whatever.
I do know 100% ,That ALL of those guys and Girls give their time and expertise time and time again. How many lives and properties they have saved. I have heard on more than one occasion that there have been Firies out saving other peoples property and lives and have had their own properties lost to the same fires they are fighting.
Fake news seem to be prevalent in the modern journalism world. From the little I have heard this is sensasionalism on the part of some media.
Myself I know who I support and that's those Guys and girls on the frontline saving lives and property. Along with all those others supporting them in different ways.
Commiseration to all those who have lost their homes and memories and Kudos to those in the community helping those less fortunate.
-- Edited by Yuglamron on Wednesday 21st of March 2018 04:51:50 PM
Hi all
I had 40 years service with NSW Fire and Rescue no longer Board of Fire Comissioners changed in the early 80s. I agree with aussietraveller in both services working together but if at the recent fire if assistance was called for earlier fire and rescue would have moved stations up from local areas to a staging point (these pumpers would be replaced from outer stations) from the staging point they could be responded fo asset and property protection where required. In my opinion having 1 commissioner to head both services would be a good idea this way both services report to one person. Also to be a member of a union you have to earn an income from that employement therefore RFS Volunteers (unpaid)
Could not become union members members of an association yes which they already have. NOW NSW HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE THE BEST FIRE SERVICE IN AUSTRALIA if both services stop building mountains and work together
G`day, Hindsight is a great thing and all the assumptions being made by the media and other " experts " seem to be based on just that. Those who were there at the time are the ones who had to make the tough decisions based on the extreme conditions at the time and the important point is that there was NO loss of life . In my opinion it was a job well done and those involved need to be congratulated. Cheers, Jontee.
-- Edited by jontee on Saturday 24th of March 2018 10:51:24 AM
Remember, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
I don't think the media reports were negative towards the RFS or NSW F&R crews that respond to the emergencies in the field. The criticism was directed at the bureaucrats and management, in particular those in the RFS headquarters at Homebush. There might be something in the so called 'turf wars'. In my experience I found the Homebush culture arrogant and quick to deflect responsibility when things don't workout. It might be a case of, where there is smoke, there is fire.
-- Edited by agent13 on Tuesday 27th of March 2018 11:00:52 PM