Has anybody heard of a person being fined for driving unregistered/registered vehicle because they had a NSW licence and was driving WA registered vehicle and towing a Victorian caravan which both had 11 month rego still on them. This person is an itinerate traveller. This happened in NSW.
Never have i heard that one, new one to me what happens if you are interstate with a hire car. I have been in NSW with a Tasmanian reg hire car and a W.A lic. Well i may be wrong so don't get up me but it sounds like it's another forum/urban myth.
Is this the story that you heard from your mother-in-laws, brothers, aunt who overheard it down the club ? A lot of them stories do the rounds on forums.
Is the question that a person with a current NSW driver licence was driving a vehicle that had current WA registration, whilst towing a VIC currently registered caravan was stopped/apprehended by police and was fined for being in control of this conveyance?
Which if the following is the incident that caused the driver, whilst driving this vehicle and towing this caravan in NSW, to be fined -
for being an unlicenced driver;
that the vehicle was unregistered; and/or
the caravan was unregistered?
Is there a 'source' for this incidence or has this been passed by hearsay, even if from the actual driver concerned?
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
This happened to me constable plod said that because my licence has a NSW address and maintained that I lived in NSW. Last year we were in QLD for 4 months then to Victoria for 4 months and then to SA for 4 months we were picked up on our way to the music festival at Tamworth then from there to Narrabri for a couple of months then heading to WA.
This happened to me constable plod said that because my licence has a NSW address and maintained that I lived in NSW. Last year we were in QLD for 4 months then to Victoria for 4 months and then to SA for 4 months we were picked up on our way to the music festival at Tamworth then from there to Narrabri for a couple of months then heading to WA.
"This happened to me"? What exactly happened to you. Did you get a booking and what was the charge on the booking. Why did you get pulled over ? Was your van? tug registered in a different state ?
That story regarding separate registrations for a person travelling is just total tripe.
It is not about where you are, it is all based on "domicile". I remember years ago when some of the Middle Eastern countries used to employ outside people on a tax free basis. You did not pay tax in the Middle Eastern country but the ATO regarded you as being domiciled in Oz so you paid tax back here.
I take various jobs interstate on contract from time to time, some go for longer than three months, but although I may be present in another state for a period of time, my domicile is NSW.
It used to be "Where is the vehicle usually garaged?" as the question you had to answer on the rego form. The rego renewal forms in NSW at least don't ask this question any more. All they do is address the renewal to me at my given address - nothing about the vehicle except its registration plate number.
I think repeat "I think" the rules(law, what ever) state that if you are a resident of a state or territory for a period of 3 months or more you must apply for a licence an rego for vehicle for that state how one would determine you are a resident I would not know but how would the backpackers get on ??
I think repeat "I think" the rules(law, what ever) state that if you are a resident of a state or territory for a period of 3 months or more you must apply for a licence an rego for vehicle for that state how one would determine you are a resident I would not know but how would the backpackers get on ??
The key word is "resident".
I can spend 6 months or a year or longer in another State as a tourist without being a "resident".
A 'backpacker' from overseas is NEVER a "resident" any where in Australia, but can have a "garaging" address for a vehicle and that "garaging" address determines the registration details.
It is quite legal to own several vehicles all "garaged" and therefore registered in different States and have a postal address somewhere else
My friend who has a NSW drivers license and a NSW residential address recently registered his new to him motorhome in SA (that he purchased in Victoria) using our address as the "garaging" address. He then drove it to NSW. No problem at all.
I just came to the same conclusion as dogbox. Licence and any vehicles for private registration should be all recorded at the same address and you have a certain time to do that. If your are itinerant or have bought stuff interstate then you must change it to the one address after a certain time. I can imagine Mr, Plod asking questions (and potentially a fine) if things don't add up.
Often wondered about backpackers as some actually buy, rather than rent vehicles.
I got given a hard time driving a vehicle across the border from Windsor (Canada) to Detroit (US). The vehicle had Michigan plates and was registered to The Ford Motor Co. Had to go thru the "Aliens" queue, stopped, and asked to get out with my passport and Victorian licence. The officers had already checked the rego on the vehicle. I was then taken inside the office and quizzed as to how come I was driving the Ford Motor car. Aliens usually drive rentals. By the time I got back to the car it was just being put back together. All the lining in the boot (trunk!!), the doors and the floor had been had been removed and put back very badly. I then had to explain to Ford what had happened when I returned the car
Licence and any vehicles for private registration should be all recorded at the same address and you have a certain time to do that. If your are itinerant or have bought stuff interstate then you must change it to the one address after a certain time.
As I explained in my previous post, this is absolutely NOT true.
It's harder now that there is no rego sticker supplied for the car. One often forgets as we did recently.
Our mail was stopped & I was put on the bag at Theodore on a Sunday morning. The copper asked as we were going to be away for a while, did I know that the Patrol's rego was due in three weeks?
I promptly did it on line when we got to Canberra.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
We write in response to your request for a review of penalty for use unregistered/registrable class A motor vehicle on road.
Out come of our review.
WE considered the circumstances you presented . We also consulted the caution / review guidelines legislation and information provided by the issuing authority. Our investigations conclude the penalty still applies. We acknowledge your comments indicating the circumstances which contributed to this offence however we are unable to cancel the penalty. WHEN A VEHICLE IS BEING DRIVEN ON NSW ROADS IT MUST ALSO BE REGISTERED IN NSW.
What you need to do now.
Please pay $659 at www.revenue.nsw .gov
We will send you a penalty reminder notice showing other ways to pay.
You must pay by the due date on the reminder notice. If you do not a $65 fee will be added to the money you already owe. If it remains unpaid further fees will be added and we will commence debt recovery action.
As the penalty has been reviewed if you wish to dispute the fine further you would need to request it be decided in court.
On behave of commissioner of fines administration.
We write in response to your request for a review of penalty for use unregistered/registrable class A motor vehicle on road. Out come of our review.
WE considered the circumstances you presented . We also consulted the caution / review guidelines legislation and information provided by the issuing authority. Our investigations conclude the penalty still applies. We acknowledge your comments indicating the circumstances which contributed to this offence however we are unable to cancel the penalty. WHEN A VEHICLE IS BEING DRIVEN ON NSW ROADS IT MUST ALSO BE REGISTERED IN NSW. What you need to do now.
Please pay $659 at www.revenue.nsw .gov We will send you a penalty reminder notice showing other ways to pay. You must pay by the due date on the reminder notice. If you do not a $65 fee will be added to the money you already owe. If it remains unpaid further fees will be added and we will commence debt recovery action. As the penalty has been reviewed if you wish to dispute the fine further you would need to request it be decided in court.
On behave of commissioner of fines administration.
Hi llochris
Thanks for thatreply. That is interesting ! My limited experience of the NSW RMS review is that they only ever give a positive outcome if you have 10yrs+ with no bookings and that is limited to minor ones. Otherwise they will not yield at all. that is their policy.
If it was me i might take it to court for my own satisfaction. But you might feel the effort and hassel and disruption is not worth it. I could understand that. But magistrates are open to seeing abuses of the booking system sometimes. WHEN A VEHICLE IS BEING DRIVEN ON NSW ROADS IT MUST ALSO BE REGISTERED IN NSW" Not sure where they got that from ???? There would be a lot of vehicles at fault if that was the law .
Good luck Jaahn
-- Edited by Jaahn on Sunday 4th of March 2018 06:52:21 PM
Has anybody heard of a person being fined for driving unregistered/registered vehicle because they had a NSW licence and was driving WA registered vehicle and towing a Victorian caravan which both had 11 month rego still on them. This person is an itinerate traveller. This happened in NSW.
The case was dismissed on account the rego was paid for over a year and we are grey nomads.
llochris wrote:The case was dismissed on account the rego was paid for over a year and we are grey nomads.
My God! Common sense from the courts! Quick, bottle it for you may never see it again.
Excellent, I'm delighted for you and pleased you took it to court rather than surrendering to the damn bureaucracy who think they are our Lords and Masters.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
"Has anybody heard of a person being fined for driving unregistered/registered vehicle because they had a NSW licence and was driving WA registered vehicle and towing a Victorian caravan which both had 11 month rego still on them. This person is an itinerate traveller. This happened in NSW."
The case was dismissed on account the rego was paid for over a year and we are grey nomads.
Hi Lloyd
Great outcome !! Worth the hassel of going to court and the stress caused by the waiting too !! There is some common sense sometimes !
Cheers jaahn
PS we hope that copper pulls his head in and stops looking for an excuse to pick on someone.
-- Edited by Jaahn on Tuesday 26th of June 2018 04:22:08 PM
-- Edited by Jaahn on Tuesday 26th of June 2018 04:28:46 PM