As we are new to Motorhoming...starting this Sunday, how do you folk keep your tomatoes kinda fresh without putting them in the fridge (not keen on my tomatoes being in fridge - personal thing)
Tomatoes are not in the fridge in supermarkets so we don't keep ours in the fridge in the house or van. Just keep them in the fruit bowl as tomatoes are actually a fruit, not a vegetable. However we find fresh fruit and veggies tend to go mushy quicker in the van when actually travelling. Also be aware of quarantine rules. We tend to just buy fresh stuff when we are actually stopped.
A lot of fruit in the big chain supermarkets can be well upto or over 12 months old they are in some cases in the main warehouse frozen or kept near to. Buy only afew at the time some green ones or only close to ripe leave them in a bowl on the side and let them ripe on there own. i myself do not eat many and don't mind them in the fridge i like them thin sliced on a sandwich but each to there own. All the best and good luck Ge.
Unless they are home grown or bought from roadside farm stalls, they have little taste these days even the supposed vine ripened Ones. I have found that the best tasting shop tomatoes are the ROMA varieties and have now switched to these exclusively.
I used to grow tomatoes (Greenhouse Farming) as soon as you pick the tomatoes they stop the starch from changing into sugar, also if you keep them in the fridge they will lose their flavor.
We picked up to 1 ton from each greenhouse.
Don't think they have changed much since i gave up farming, except the hybrid's.
Everything other than spuds & pumpkins go in our fridge - otherwise they'd go off in the heat.
If they are not quite ripe, leave them out for a day or two.
Same with bread - left out it goes mouldy - some of the joys of living in the tropics (even when it doesn't rain)
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!