Purchased 1985 Vicount Grandtourer 14 months ago. Approx 7mtrs long. Its be revamped with toilet, shower. beds,full size fridge, TV, dvd player brekkie area, radio, cb etc.My wife and I have been away about 6times on trips without any problems. More important it has a new 2400 yamaha inverter, 3 batteries, 3 large solar panels , Andersen outlets and the following which I would love someone to help me with, please. It has a Dolphin automatic battery switch charger. ( green light on/off ) seems self explanitory I know but when should it be on and when off ?. Also has a Megapulse battery life extender with a on off switch (red light when on ) when should i have it switched on and off ? Another unit ?? has these symbols on front only (guessing a voltage controller ?) L N followed by earth symbol then -V -V +V+V V adj. green light always on. Lastly, a PLASMATRONIC solar controller which I can actually work out. Thanks to anyone reading this without laughing, PS we love this old van and only wish I shoule have done a apprentiship as a electrician instead of Boilermaker/welder. not realy LOL. Cheers to you all.
Hey Jeppo, sounds like the van has some good gear in it!. I assume you dont have the user manuals? I did a quick google and found there is info avaliable for your gear. I would start there. Find the operating destructions for your unit models. Goodluck, stretch.
Thanks all for your welcome mat an suggestions and info. Will take onboard ... Just getting ready to camp again tomorrow for the week to a place in the Otway ranges being Stevensons Falls. Spent lots time at Aires Valley beech forest back in the seventies. Great days with few restrictions. Anyhow, thanks again and Cheers to all.
Thanks again making me feel welcome. I have checked manuals on line but as previous owner, being a whiz electrician, he's made various additional changes to equipment to suit him. Haven't had any problems but would be more comfortable if I knew if and when these units should be switched on and off. That being the mega battery life extender and when the on off light meant to be on with the dolphin charger. Thanks.
There is a wealth of info on this site - most of it comes from the experience of those who started caravanning before the rest of us OR have bought the same vans as us & found the trouble earlier. The "Search" button is a very useful tool.
I find it better to update the manuals if I do any modifications - then I won't get confused & if I sell, the new owner knows what's going on too..
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
G'day Jeppo and welcome to the forum. Don't forget to try the two ongoing games here - 'Who is This' in the 'I Digress' section and 'Pick this Place' in the 'General' Section - a great source to find new places to visit. Happy travels :)
Thanks for all your positive advice. I do have photos which includes switches and lights not shown on internet sites. Not smartest tool in the shed and have no idea how to add photo onto my comments. I can send to people on facebook etc here and on phone. As everything seems to work ok for about 3-4 days before using generator, I was basically thinking that I shouldnt have to use generator ever but talking to a electrician while at golf, he seems to think that although im well equipped re power, that our full size fridge is a major chewerupper of oue power supply (12v and 240 only). Just back from a week at Stevensons falls inthe Otway ranges (free camp) great place and goiung back mayme keep my beers in a couple of eskeys so as not to open frig door to often... Cheers to all.
Just saw attach files. Now to send photos to computer.. Ill work that out..