Hi All, just joined the Grey Nomad group, First Post.
Have purchased a Jayco Poptop hooked it up to a Territory and set off to do some camping. As we enjoy meeting people we looked at some of the local free camp site on Northern NSW to try out all the bits and pieces in our van, and seeing as I was given a dash cam for a xmas present I thought I would share one of the free camp sites we visited outside KEW NSW.
Swan's crossing is managed by the forestry and when we arrived we found the site was in very good condition with quite a few areas that were level and easy to get too. The site would easily fit 100 odd vans and talking to a couple of locals that was the case over the xmas holidays as they said the place was packed. With only two drop toilet blocks one could imagined what it would be like over xmas but their were only six camps set when we arrived and the park had been cleaned up.
OK it hass taken me all this time to work out how to download dash cam video and than how to upload to youtube but if interested the video can be viewed @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwc1X5rCfZw
Anyone thinking of going here should note it is a dirt road (20k)and very narrow as a mater of fact two vans passing would be difficult but worth it when you arrive.
Look forward re guards hints to improve my video editing.