If any of you have seen me on the road in the last six years and have waved, take this as my wave back. If you see the old Patrol again it is not now me.
I have, for the forseeable future, gone off the road and back into whatever the opposite of a nomad is, back in NZ. I have increased their Physics teacher numbers by one.
It's been a fun roll around Australia, especially with the added dimension of having to work my way about. Most of the fun bits have been the working times as when you are a solo traveller few people talk to you and it can be desperately lonely unless you are very outgoing. Luckily I had few qualms about interrupting other people's peaceful times.
I have found it amusing that people on here seem to fuss about the trivial stuff when the problem of that UTTER CURSE OF THE AUSTRALIAN WAY OF LIFE, the FLY is hardly mentioned. WTF. I hate them. I have hated them from the beginning. Everyone I have talked to hates them. They leap out at you whenever you stop in the outback. They go up your nose and in your ears (unless you are a proper man who scorns such hair trimming) I have a friend who blew out one from his nose in multiple fragments with multiple blows. I am now back in NZ and the lack of flies is a blessing.
Maybe I will get itchy feet again and bless your shores again with my presence or maybe next time will be Europe or Asia, or maybe I will curl my toes up. I'll keep an eye through this site with what youse fellas do.