Hi my wife and I are planning to join all you nomads full time we have been looking for a van for some time and have come up with a Coromal Princeton we are thinking about buying it do any of you guys have one and what do you think of it
Welcome Macdee to make a decision on the Princeton would require a little more info like the ATM and your tow vehicle make and model. Apart from that a friend has a Coromal Element and is quite happy with it.
MacDee, suggest you get information from Caravan Council of Australia - Note this is a different organisation than the Caravan Industry Association (Manufacturer's Association) see www.caravancouncil.com.au/compliance
All information relevant to Caravan Purchase is fully covered by Caravan Council of Australia - and it is free to peruse or Download.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
It is just that there are so many Rogue Dealers and Shonky Manufacturers conning the Unwary buyers - Colin Young the main man at Caravan Council has put together a lot of sound advice and checklist's for intending Caravan and Motor Home Owners.
His credentials if placed on top of each other would make a pile so high "Jack Spratt" couldn't jump over.
If passing on some good information can help any Newbie I'm for it.
And some of us that have owned vans for decades can also still learn from their site.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
I support the councils advice as well. I see too many come onto the forums that have a van that should really be towed by a Ford F truck or similar or a light European flat top truck. We should be giving all the places to explore for advice or posting that advice here.
Peter, many years ago the advice given to new vanners was to choose a van that is 80% total weight (ATM) of the maximum loaded weight of their tow vehicles max loaded weight. This gives a good safety margin for most towers particularly newcomers. Back in those days the maximum towing capacities of out tow vehicles was more in keeping with those thoughts of the size vans we should be towing. Since those days the tow vehicles maximum towing capacities have increased significantly more than the growth of the size and weights of their products. Are these maximum towing weights safe towing weights? Yes they are for compact heavy trailers like horse floats. However when you come to caravans that are much longer and higher the situation changes significantly. The increased height and particularly the extra length makes caravans far less stable. We thus should be voluntarily derating the modern tow vehicles to take this reduced stability into consideration. The Caravan Council certainly does, it is run by engineers who understand the behaviour of vans. The tow vehicle salesmen certainly know very little about the and thus reckon you can tow less stable vans up to the manufacturers specifications.
Peter (and possum) ... I too agree the Council's website is an excellent source of advice.
As is the comment you make in your post re 'times past'.
The two sites you provided are also recommended reading and good to have them trotted out on a regular basis - not just for the inexperienced but also those who are 'experienced' ... we should always be keeping up to date with developments and advice.
In passing, my playful dig at possum for providing the link to the Caravan Council was just that playful - note the
It was just interesting that it, and the words in the post, keep appearing in post after post.
As I said then ... good advice as always ...
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Thanks to one and all I certainly will take the advice and check out the Caravan council thanks for that Possum and thanks to Peter D for the advice from years ago. I must say Im finding the ATM GTM and Tare a bit confusing we have a Prado but are considering changing depending on the van we eventually get.
John, I was well aware that it was only a dig - But I am just so aware of the absolute grief and heartbreak of those being flim - flammed by slick commission salesmen. I try to make all newcomers aware of the potential for hazards of vanning. I s'pose the words are similar as it is the same message - Take Care.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Coromal sold to the same crowd that owns Camac (I think), not the same vans, infact the Coromal now is identical to another brand, maybe conquest, made here in Perth, same van painted different.