Hi can anyone give me some advice on my portable engel fridge freezer. it still works but won't stop running is it the thermostat.? and if so where can I buy a replacement.
Try turning the temp control to freeze for a couple of hours to cold soak then turn down to Setting 1. If the compressor stops running when you turn the setting from Freeze to a warmer setting, the thermostat is unlikely to be the problem.
Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.
If its running continuously it should be freezing every thing. If its not then theres 2 posibilitys, one is it has a small gas leak & starting to loose gas. second is a faulty compressor. Ive just wrecked an older Engel that the compressor runs but doesn't pump properly, fairly common fault with Engel compressors, faulty valves. If its freezing every thing then its likely the thermostat.
-- Edited by DeBe on Monday 22nd of January 2018 08:49:59 AM