We have been told that June and July is not a good time to head north from Bundaberg to Cairns as the free campsites are very crowded with Grey nomads who sit for long periods in one place. Is this true? Thanks for any tips, Chris
As NIKE say "just do it ". Pretty well anytime from mothers day on its a constant stream of vehicles . Two years ago driving from Mackay back to Bundey early June . Couldn't believe number of vans going up .
We always go in June and stay till September and could always find somewhere to camp , But we don't camp near big city or coast line , But last year we had a wedding to attend in Koah west of Cairns , Didn't go till last September and stayed till early November we just about had the place to ourselfs and the weather was great and the noth looks great in spring .
What has beensaid is true. On the coast it is very crowded in June/July. I suggest you steer clear of the coast on those months. Go up the inland and follow behind the crowd as you come down the coast.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Or go when everyone else heads home from October to the end of November - but it gets a little sticky (30-32 degrees, up to 80% humidity). From December to January, you're reasonably ok for no cyclonic weather but it can be HOT (up to 35 & still humid), after that it may mean it's better to head inland or south (not via the coast).
Cairns is a little more humid than Townsville where we live as the mountains come closer to the coast. We'd like the weather to be like it is in winter - all year round but there would be more people living there than in Sydney! The hot humid weather drives out the visitors so we can get along with life without facing the hordes on the roads, etc!!
The other options would be to stay in the Atherton Tablelands & do day visits down to the coast.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!