Have many grey nomads done picking for pocket money , I'd be interested to hear and what they thought about it . From what I have gleamed its a hard slog for not a lot of money .
I did fruit picking in the Riverina area of Victoria one summer way back in the mid 70's for 6 weeks, I was 17 years old. The work was very hard and the heat relentless, and the pay was lousy. But I was 17 and had no other income as I was still a student, so put up with it. I was at that stage a very fit 17 year old, active in several sports, but I remember how much my body ached after each day. There is no way I could do it now, or if I did I would be so slow at picking that I would make almost nothing, as you are paid for what you pick. There are much easier ways to make money in my opinion.
They had trouble getting pickers for the recent Nth Qld mango season too. Record amounts of mangos too. Roadside sales, $10 a bucket.
During the school holidays in between primary & high school, I did a stint of apricot cutting at Moorook on the River Murray. The apricots had to be cut in half & placed on a tray ready for drying. There was no limit on what you could eat but eventually you got sick of them.
Working conditions? Well you had to stand up under a roof made of corrugated iron supported by four poles - under the searing sun, no fans, can't recall drinking water being available & we got paid 11 pence per tray (this was in 1960). Still it "toughens one up". We could cut as many or few trays that you could manage
I made enough to buy a kitbag to carry my books in - would any of the modern kids know what a kitbag was?
I think I'm too old for it now & agree with Keith's comments about watching.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
From enquiries we have made and other observations, any grey nomads employed are usually deployed to the packing shed, weighing stations and admin tasks.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
Yeah one will not find any dust in any other part of the bush in Victoria ... it is jest at Greens Lake
Cheers - John
Absolutely correct, dustiest place we've ever camped in 40+ years of camping, turns to mud in the cooler months too. Can't understand why people stay there? Oh yes it's FREE!!!!
If you camp there don't forget to wash your van with vinegar afterwards.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Saturday 13th of January 2018 06:33:37 AM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Absolutely correct, dustiest place we've ever camped in 40+ years of camping, turns to mud in the cooler months too. Can't understand why people stay there? Oh yes it's FREE!!!!
If you camp there don't forget to wash your van with vinegar afterwards.
AWWWWW c'mon DD ... ya wanna give that a bit of a rethink????
You need to get around a bit more if that is the dustiest place you have camped at in 40+ years.
When woz the last time you were camped in QLD, NSW, Northern SA, NW WA, NT ...... I think ya stretching the sav a bit.
I also assume you are a just little bit aware that there are 1,000s of other camps, dusty or otherwise, that also attract no fees all around this wide, brown, exciting and dusty land?? I reckon lotz of those purdy birdies wot ya take those great piccies of live in some dusty environs.
Praps ya need to get out from the aircon in ya Brighton (now high valued) house more often.
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Saturday 13th of January 2018 08:44:10 AM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Glad i'm not around that other dust bowl at the moment, Avoca windy'est place i have ever been too, the waterfall is the only attraction apart from all the wineries that all the oldies stay at. Oh yes that's free as well, some of it taste's like vinegar. Can understand why some people stay there. Pomme.
-- Edited by pomme on Saturday 13th of January 2018 09:13:51 AM