I have just down loaded a program similar to Wiki camps trip planner called "Base Camp", put out as a free down load by Garmin. While I haven't had a decent play with the program yet, but so far it is looking pretty good, using the same maps that are on the GPS. After one has finished planning the trip it can be down loaded straight into the GPS.
Anyone else using this program?
-- Edited by iana on Monday 8th of January 2018 07:04:53 PM
caravancaravan.com has an excellent trip planner as well - and it can be exported to the Garmin. Once there you can also add Camps places to the trip if you have them as well on your GPS. I must look at Basecamp - havent tried it yet :)
'Once you are infected with the travel bug you have it for the rest of your life - there is NO cure'