Finally bitten the bullet and bought the Clear view mirrors. Had the Milenco's for a long time and they were very good but suffered from passing trucks and I was a bit worried that the constant movement inwards would eventually stuff up the main mirrors. We were parked up at Nyah one of our favourite spots, a few weeks ago and I went into the Autobarn shop in Swan Hill for a compressor and ended up with the Clear views as well!
I couldn't resist the offer of $750 installed. They ordered them that day and we had them installed the following day. Should have got them ages ago the view down the road is excellent and the small ones are ideal for reversing.
I have no connection to Clearview or Autobarn.
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
Something to be aware of if putting on Clearview Mirrors or similar. When tightening up the mounting nuts on the inside of the door, if you over tighten, it sometimes squashes the window frame a touch, messing up electric windows reversing sensors.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
Great move, no connection with clearview either, but they are great and will never fold up with a semi coming the other way or go fluttering off in the slip stream!