Firstly I hope you and your families had a safe and happy Christmas.
Now to the problem. My Waeco CF-80 is approx 10 years old and to date has performed perfectly.
Yesterday the temp was set at -2 ( I always use this setting for the fridge) and shock horror my beer was frozen as were a few other drinks. Never happened before.
On closer inspection noticed the display read +21 and independent thermometer in the fridge read -7!!
I'm thinking the thermostat has failed.
Any ideas/advice would be much appreciated
Mark & Chris
You are only young once but, you can be immature for ever.
Theres 2 posibilitys, one is the Emergency over ride switch is in the on position. Or the thermistor is faulty. On some of the Waeco fridges if you remove the end cover there may be a spare Thermistor you can plug in. If you need more help post clear pictures of what you are looking at.
Just let the beer warm & when the ice has melted just shake the bottle vigorously & chill. Ok to open then. Will taste as normal. If not then use them as your 5th or 6th stubby & you won't know the difference. Or won't care.
Bit hard to see in the picture but possibly around where marked should be a 2 pin plug with thin black wire pair. This in the thermistor wiring, if you trace it back to where it disappears in the Foam there might be another spare lead with plug. To test the thermistor it should read 10K ohms at 25 Deg C.