As most dads do, I had to help the daughter with her first investment property by doing most chores required.
Her first tenant broke the lease early to travel O/S. The tenant asked if they could sub let the second B/R. Yes,but you are still responsible for the lease.Fine.
They moved out and Dad /Mum did the right thing by fixing and cleaning ready for new tenants.
What we found was, well we will leave for another topic.
As some of the keys could not be accounted for.Dear old dad replaced the double dead lock with the original one, as part of the spring fix up.
Come this morning I opened the bottom lock first then the dead lock. Will not open/ turn in the barrol. tried every trick in the book. 37 deg and rising, call the Locksmith. $$$ Be there in an hour as he is dealing will 90 year old lady locked out in the next street.
Sooooo up he rolls. I think he had just rolled out of bed IMO. $120 to break in. Will bugger the lock. He says its buggered anyway.
Go ahead. bloo...dy KIPPERS (Kids In Parents Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings.)
Out he pulls the big gun........ 18V cordless with a new sutton 9mm drill bit for ammo.
Puts the 9mm right in the forehead of the Lockwood and fires non stop for 2 mins.Bang , Bang, Bang, Bang, one to go Bang. There you go $120 thanks.
Well it still looks locked to me. Oh pulls out his trusty back up little screw driver and puts it in the lock and turns it. $120 thanks. its open.
Would you like me to supply and install a new one for a reasonable price as well.
Well if it takes 2 mins to bugger one, I hate to think of the cost to supply and install the replacement. I'll past thanks.
I did a You Tube search when I got home. Could have saved the $120 for retirement.
Live and learn.
Learn I did today. Locks aren't locks no more.
PS: The bangs were the five pins in the lock, getting eaten by the drill.
-- Edited by Hey Jim on Wednesday 20th of December 2017 11:12:57 PM
Jim, I don't know if it has ever occurred to you, but most people don't have "their first investment property" subsidised by their parents. There are thousands of people in Australia who are homeless.
Most trades people charge a call out fee as you are not only paying for the time it takes but also the use of their tools and their expertise.
Like most people that feel the need to talk about their own wealth and self perceived self importance, I am sure you will not forget to claim this incident together with the loss of rent along with negatively gearing the interest rate when the next tax return is due.
Unfortunately, I have little sympathy for whinging investors.
He is saying what he could have saved . Plenty comment on how tuff they have it too ! Just both ends of life . Your winging too ! Good on him for having a go !! Your just envious .
Jim, I don't know if it has ever occurred to you, but most people don't have "their first investment property" subsidised by their parents. There are thousands of people in Australia who are homeless. Most trades people charge a call out fee as you are not only paying for the time it takes but also the use of their tools and their expertise. Like most people that feel the need to talk about their own wealth and self perceived self importance, I am sure you will not forget to claim this incident together with the loss of rent along with negatively gearing the interest rate when the next tax return is due. Unfortunately, I have little sympathy for whinging investors.
there might be a lot more homeless pensioners if it wasn't for the whinging investors who pay taxes an don't think because it is a deduction now the tax dept doesn't get its money sooner or later
Jim, I don't know if it has ever occurred to you, but most people don't have "their first investment property" subsidised by their parents. There are thousands of people in Australia who are homeless. Most trades people charge a call out fee as you are not only paying for the time it takes but also the use of their tools and their expertise. Like most people that feel the need to talk about their own wealth and self perceived self importance, I am sure you will not forget to claim this incident together with the loss of rent along with negatively gearing the interest rate when the next tax return is due. Unfortunately, I have little sympathy for whinging investors.
Hi DMaxer,
Wecome back, we have missed you. Merry Christmas.
You must be flatout peddling your mobile law office from your caravan.
How or Where you get my daughters first investment property subsidised from her parents, I don't know. I do know this. My daughter got her first part time job at 14 and nine months working weekends at KFC. Till she finished her HSC.
She did a double degree at Sydney Uni. Bachelor Science, and a Master of Nursing. All while working part time in aged care through Uni.
Our daughter has just completed her third degree. That been Graduate Law here in sydney. Again while working full time as a Registered Nurse.
She has taken out both Book Prizes in both International Law and Tax Law. Most of her books were brought second hand where possible by herself.
Both she and the CBA own her investment. We have not given her one cent, to enter the market.
She lives at home, I shopped for her second hand 2004 Toyota Echo 1.3lt car, with her own money.
As caring parents, we have never charged her board. Full stop.
Dmaxer, I know first hand what homeless means to me. I grew up with 8 older siblings and 5 half younger siblings. My mum, God bless her.Passed away when I was a kid. My father, if you can use that name. Took off with another woman, 8 months after my mother died. and had 5 more half bothers and sisters.
We 9 were broken up and fostered out. Over and Over. I was pasted from pillar to post, till I was 14years old.
Yes I know all about tradies. I am one.
A proud one at that. I came up through the ranks, with a total staff of 41 at retirement. I am a True and proud Australian, that has and still dose contribute to social Justice.
My staff are all part of my family.
As a Solicitor You would or should know a little about rental agreements. You could look them up in your old law books to refresh your brain. 4 weeks to the rental bond board
( All done on line these day in most cases where internet is availible.) For breaking the lease by the tenant 4 weeks rental to be paid to the Land Lord.(This was fine by the tenant, as the tenant was moving O/S.)
As for the bond. Our daughter is claiming the lot through the rental tribeual. Yes she has a Tax Depreation Schudual.
So where are you getting off on both my wife and myself lending a helping hand.The topic here is only how the locksmith gained entry into her unit. I have never seen it done before.
As a traveling working solicitor out of a caravan. (A first IMO, that I have ever heard of, I must say.)
However do you keep your files. What area of BS do you work in.
By the way. Without investors, that includes fellow GN's on here and else where, putting their hard earned dollars into risk investments , only to be torn apart by those,that you may represent in the courts.
As that is all they can aford through legal aid.Or Freelance types.
Landlord insurance dose not and will not cover everything as a solicitor would know eh!
Just remember this. Without pain there is no gain.
I started with nothing. I still have most of it left.
Jim, I don't know if it has ever occurred to you, but most people don't have "their first investment property" subsidised by their parents. There are thousands of people in Australia who are homeless. Most trades people charge a call out fee as you are not only paying for the time it takes but also the use of their tools and their expertise. Like most people that feel the need to talk about their own wealth and self perceived self importance, I am sure you will not forget to claim this incident together with the loss of rent along with negatively gearing the interest rate when the next tax return is due. Unfortunately, I have little sympathy for whinging investors.
Not sure why, on reading your post this is the image that came to mind.
I would hazard a guess that dmaxer did not read the post as his reply doesn't seem to be very relevant and out of context glad he is not my lawyer or I could still be in jail
fifth largest lender in aust is the bank of mum an dad (not that it may apply in regard to the op)
I could tell about family and how each has achieved !! But I would be acused if bragging !! Well 2 our if 3 has done VERY WELL !! With just a little help to get started .
Thank you for your kind words and legal analysis and critique, Jim. I didn't really understand the "files in the caravan" comment. I have one in the tool box and a nail file somewhere, but no others that I can think of. Perhaps for Christmas Santa could bring you a dictionary and someone could explain to you what the word "locum" means.
Here is some advice and you can have it for free. If you require a tradie to come out assist, first ask his price. If you accept it don't whinge afterwards. If you don't like it, do it yourself.
Now I won't hold you up as I am sure you have to attend the Jayco Christmas party as their guest of honour.
Thank you for your kind words and legal analysis and critique, Jim. I didn't really understand the "files in the caravan" comment. I have one in the tool box and a nail file somewhere, but no others that I can think of. Perhaps for Christmas Santa could bring you a dictionary and someone could explain to you what the word "locum" means.
Here is some advice and you can have it for free. If you require a tradie to come out assist, first ask his price. If you accept it don't whinge afterwards. If you don't like it, do it yourself.
Now I won't hold you up as I am sure you have to attend the Jayco Christmas party as their guest of honour.
Why would he attend the jayco xmas party? Just curious.
Thank you for your kind words and legal analysis and critique, Jim. I didn't really understand the "files in the caravan" comment. I have one in the tool box and a nail file somewhere, but no others that I can think of. Perhaps for Christmas Santa could bring you a dictionary and someone could explain to you what the word "locum" means.
Here is some advice and you can have it for free. If you require a tradie to come out assist, first ask his price. If you accept it don't whinge afterwards. If you don't like it, do it yourself.
Now I won't hold you up as I am sure you have to attend the Jayco Christmas party as their guest of honour.
Hi DMaxer,
The only locum's I have had dealing's with, is that of a doctor.I was not aware that you are, but a FIFO of the revolving door type.
Re:Your free advice.
We here take pride in old fashion service with a smile.Together we have grown our company to where it is today. Without the how long, is a piece of string act.
Quote:If you don't like it, do it yourself.
Is this the way you treat the less unfortunate sole's in need.
I did not ever whinge about the cost. I new the cost up front, so he had the go ahead to proceed.
I was totally surprised at the time it took him to enter through ones double deadlock.
And yes. I did supply and install the replacement double lock. With two extra keys cut at no cost. $110.00 from the Big Green Shed.
My10 minutes of time is free.
You should try it some time.
As for being guest of Honour at any Jayco function.
May I suggest you check with your Parra Legal . You need to be brought up to speed. Cause your next case would seem to, IMO to be throwing good money after bad.