I have been thinking about getting a Dash Cam one with GPS tracking, but I have also thought about a new mobile. So upon searching I came upon several topics on Smart Phones and Apps for them, now I'm not all that tech savvy but it seems to me that i could run a Dash Cam, GPS and an OBD2 scanner via Apps and Bluetooth signal in the case of the OBD2 thus eliminating 2 devices, so surely this would be the way to go?
In Victor Harbour I had a road rage incident where a guy in Porsche SUV passed me and indicated the stomped on brakes to turn right infront of us . We hit the back of SUV . It was the camara footage that got me off the at fault claim !!
Re dashcam cameras getting hot and then stop working - mount them on the sunvisor so they are out of the sun plus in that location they can see more of the road ahead.
I have been thinking about getting a Dash Cam one with GPS tracking, but I have also thought about a new mobile. So upon searching I came upon several topics on Smart Phones and Apps for them, now I'm not all that tech savvy but it seems to me that i could run a Dash Cam, GPS and an OBD2 scanner via Apps and Bluetooth signal in the case of the OBD2 thus eliminating 2 devices, so surely this would be the way to go?
Interested in your opinions, thanks.
There is a good Telstra special available until Christmas Eve. Free phone Samsung S8, Iphone 6 with umlimited talk and text, 15Gb data all for $59/month. Get one of them and get all the apps you want.