I am new member to this Forum and would like to say hello.
I have visited The Grey Nomads site many times and have posted for house sitters ect.
I am currently trying to establish the most common, or most traveled route through QLD.
1/ If you were heading for the Cape.
2/ If you were heading to the NT
3/ A route you would take if doing both.
The reason behind this is that I am looking at establishing a mixed business in QLD (Mechanical, Fuel, Tyre's General Store, Camping) and am trying to gather information and opinions from seasoned travelers to allow me to hone in on a locality that may cater for both destinations.
Or if in your opinions where you think a facility like I have mentioned would be well positioned or required.
Obviously i would be trying to locate near good traffic flow with in close proximity to a reasonably populated town.
If you have any thoughts I would appreciate your imput.
That would be every Hwy into Queensland then every Hwy and main road off those heading to the Cape. Bit of a large area to cover, seen as most of the Australian population is congregated on the east coast , the most common route will be up the Pacific Hwy with a lot off Victorians also taking the Newell Hwy then various other Hwys from there. Need idea of a general area, like Northern Qld, Central Qld, Western Qld, Coastal Qld, South East Qld or South West Qld.
Abbott wrote:The reason behind this is that I am looking at establishing a mixed business in QLD (Mechanical, Fuel, Tyre's General Store, Camping) and am trying to gather information and opinions from seasoned travelers to allow me to hone in on a locality that may cater for both destinations.
Or if in your opinions where you think a facility like I have mentioned would be well positioned or required.
There are many routes taken by the flock travelling from Victoria north. The biggest problem is to nominate one that is not well serviced along its full length. I think that rather than attempting to establish a new service centre you would be better off looking for one that has run down a little because the owner has been there too long. If you can find one of those that may look to have potential for reviving the owner may be willing to sell at a reasonable price so as to escape.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.