Had a phillips head screwdriver slip today, and it went right through a finger. Have got plenty of scars on hands due to a life of doing stuff, but I can tell you this hurt more for a little while, than most anything else. I don't recommend it.
Does feel somewhat better now though after a few hours.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
Yes as we get on in life I find I have to be more careful doing things I always have done. My hands are not so strong now and with some arthritis in the joints, from doing all that stuff, I often find I loose grip or drop tools etc.
So now it has sunk in that I am not as good as I was, I try to do the 'risk management' that I did when I was working to avoid accidents. Ladders too after I missed the bottom step coming down and ended up in the garden bed.
Yes easy to go astray with a Stanley knife. Done that too often.
As much as I often use a ladder, they are evil things. I know too many that have come to grief with them, some injured badly. Couldn't do without one though.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
While doing some repairs up on the facia panel on the car port,using an electric drill. Holding the panel in place to drill a hole,panel felt a little warm,shifted the finger
a little but not enough so drilled right through the finger. Pain came later, bandaids then finished off the job. It took several weeks for the internal injury healed.
Not too long ago . I thought I would just cut some plate with angle grinder . Being in my steel
Capped work. BOOTS for over 12 hours . I took them OFF . ( see where this is heading !) so out in garage to power point . Plugged grinder in and turned it ON ! Trouble is it was already turned
On !! The grinder spun out of my hand spun around the floor and OVER my big toe . Blood everywhere !! Went to Drs . Said he couldnât stitch it due to grinder taking meat , muscle out of toe !! Man that was a lesson !! Did I get plenty of abuse telling off by the Mrs !! I didnât clean up the blood for two days !! Lol . Btw I use these tools every day !! Familiarity breeds contempt!!
Love those three legged fruit picking ladders where you place the single leg into the tree and climb up to reach the fruit. And then the single leg starts to slide. Best cure for constipation that I know of.