I have been using this site for that type of information. It not only gives you the distant from and to, it gives you route alternatives listed down the left hand side of the page. It gives you a map with the selected journey highlited and by zooming in on the map you may find some interesting deviations along the way. If you use it with the fuel map app you can select fuel outlets along your route as well.
Newell highway to Wagga. Hume to Violet Town,through Rushworth, Colbinabbin to Bendigo via the Midland hwy. From Bendigo, if it was up to me, I would go via Healesville, Warragul, Traralgon. Safe trip.
We do Bendigo to lakes Entrance and vice versa quite often and use the Tullamarine Freeway to Monash Freeway - much easier if you are towing - no traffic lights or hills. (You can purchase a day pass for that route) We do try to do it of a weekend or after 6pm weekdays when the traffic is lighter. Then straight through to Warragul Traralgon Sale etc. For a change of scenary last trip we went across to the South Gippsland Hwy and came out at Sale - nice free overnight camp on the foreshore at Port Albert.
-- Edited by villatranquilla on Sunday 19th of November 2017 05:26:08 PM
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
Seeing you want a varied route with both highways and secondary roads - try this route - It's 40 km further and 80 minutes longer than going through Melbourne. Even though it involves some backtracking, its more interesting than going through Melbourne
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.