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Post Info TOPIC: Why So Much Turmoil In Our Old Age?


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Why So Much Turmoil In Our Old Age?

Possibly as we grow older we haven't got much time to suffer idiots? Maybe that's why there's so much argumentative content on this forum?  Always remember that you are retired & are free to do whatever you wish to do.

What someone on this forum posts is totally irrelevant to what you're experiencing in the REAL WORLD. They are purely a casual contact  on a screen that you may or probably will not ever meet.

Lighten up a little. Who cares who comes or goes as far as membership is concerned, the majority keep soldiering on. ENJOY!




Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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DD, just sit back and enjoy the serenity..... biggrin  biggrin



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MMMMMHHHH, quiet life retired for me. Surprised that DD wants to stir up passions again! Perhaps DD needs to take a chill pill and reflect on the image that has already been put out with previous comments. Sorry DD, you have lost the serenity of it all!


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We are all a bit long in the tooth and short on the fuse. Being a bit outrageous is one of the only compensations for old age.

As a truckie mate of mine says, on the road he meets all these fat blokes, driving trucks, with gaps in their teeth, and somehow they know everything! Seems to be the same with grey nomads.

I am a newbie just learning the ropes.

I had assumed most GNS would be crazy right wing freaks and am prepared to put up with this. What else do you expect from people who choose to live by a creek in the middle of nowhere? I am pleased to learn that there are a few moderates and a few left wingers in the mix. Variety is good.

But really, who cares. It is about travelling, and caravans, and camping spots, and surviving on the pension, and sharing knowledge and experience.

I find it very amusing when someone gets angry or puts forward crackpot theories and ideas. We all need to ease off a bit.


Stay cool til after school


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Lancelot Link wrote:

MMMMMHHHH, quiet life retired for me. Surprised that DD wants to stir up passions again! Perhaps DD needs to take a chill pill and reflect on the image that has already been put out with previous comments. Sorry DD, you have lost the serenity of it all!

 Our post is not about stirring up trouble, in fact it's the total opposite to that. We'll explain:

It really is about the fact that what someone posts on a computer really shouldn't make any difference to you in the REAL WORLD.

It also asks the question: Why is there so much conflict on this forum. Probably because as we grow older we're less tolerant of others.


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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There's no turmoil usually on Webb sites the moderator usually sorts the sheep from the goats biggrin



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The problem with written text is, it can be easily misunderstood. It's not what has been written that starts the bad manners, its the interpretation.

This is why we must have tolerance to understand what is being said and respect their opinions.

Lets take a chill pill.


Rob & Julie

Navara 2016 towing a Nextgen 2021 caravan 19.6 semi off road

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I think there are a lot of people who can be affected by what is said in type. It's important to always remember that you may be looking at a computer screen, but there are real people reading your comments. It would be lovely if everyone could share their experiences without the judgement & cruel comments that come from others. In general as I read what is being said on the wide web, I am finding that there are a lot of people out there who are quite cruel if you don't agree with what they are preaching. There has always been a little head butting on this forum from what I have seen. Why? who knows! Some people just seem to think that their opinion is the only one that matters.


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Not unique to this forum of course, some are worse.

Also the typed word has the added convenience for the weak-of-character to hide behind. Highly unlikely they'd make some of their questionable comments directly to your face - even if they had the opportunity. Take it all with a shovel full of salt and rise above it, say I! Better yet, nil response to an insulting post is far more effective than fostering any unsavory exchange.




"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato  

 The moral: Focus on the Facts


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I have a theory about this and it applies to older men in the main. I have observed many mates who in our younger years were going to conquer the world.
When they reach retirement and they have not conquered the world or achieved a level of success that they mentally see they should have they are the frustrated.
Frustrated by the thought that this is it ... no time left... !
I have seen some go in to depression and have to take pills and others who become desperate to be seen as an expert on something which they really are not and this seems to go hand in hand with a cranky attitude and trying to force their opinion on everyone else.

Cranky Old Men have been around for ever! Its just part of life !


Peter Rose


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It's thread like this that i miss "Macka 17", those where the days my friend. smile






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"Possibly as we grow older we haven't got much time to suffer idiots? Maybe that's why there's so much argumentative content on this forum?  Always remember that you are retired & are free to do whatever you wish to do.

What someone on this forum posts is totally irrelevant to what you're experiencing in the REAL WORLD. They are purely a casual contact  on a screen that you may or probably will not ever meet.

Lighten up a little. Who cares who comes or goes as far as membership is concerned, the majority keep soldiering on. ENJOY!"

"Our post is not about stirring up trouble, in fact it's the total opposite to that. We'll explain:

It really is about the fact that what someone posts on a computer really shouldn't make any difference to you in the REAL WORLD.

It also asks the question: Why is there so much conflict on this forum. Probably because as we grow older we're less tolerant of others."

You are "spot on" Desert Dweller




Jeff & Rae travelling in a motorhome


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I tend to disagree with the "lighten up" call. Since adam was a boy there has been discrimination, bullying, racism and sexism. Slowly man is evolving to a better world in these areas. As a young airman of 17yo my mates and I had homophobia big time. I adopted anti black people, yellow people, immigrant people and so on. I did however- change to reverse this pathetic state of mind of supremacy. Im only 61yo but I see some older people with my old attitudes and its sad to read. Everyone is entitled to what they think, it when its broadcasted in a way that hurts people, those that for the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation, their etc its normal to react. What was the saying "evil flourishes when good men and women do nothing"? And we are advised to "chill". No way. Its wrong. Old age? To bad, change your thinking. If you thinks gays are just "queer" and you cant see kindness in any of them then you have a problem. As I said before "the old man dying on a Perth street was resusitated by a gay man as I pumped his chest. He was revived and he didnt care the guy was gay. Do you ask a surgeon if he is gay before he operates? Vietnamese? Aboriginal extraction? Likes porn? I think if some dont speak up to influence the prejudice in society then . ..poor attitudes flourish. You are entitled to your view, I respect that but Macka went way overboard.


Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him... 


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Very good post Eaglemax , We stopped going to happy hour because there was always someone want to use you to sound off about things and want you to agree with them .



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Eaglemax - great post and thank you for saying what I wish I'd said.




Ex balloon chaser and mercury measurer.



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Eaglemax wrote:

...........Everyone is entitled to what they think, it when its broadcasted in a way that hurts people, ....for the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation, ...... What was the saying "evil flourishes when good men and women do nothing"? ............ You are entitled to your view,...but Macka went way overboard.

 Agree Eaglemax.

I saw what he posted and it was way too much. It was hateful, hurtful and plain nasty.

Everyone forgets that on this forum we have gay and lesbian members.

We have members with gay and lesbian children and family.





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I am currently a moderator on two other forums and as such I do know first hand how disturbing and upsetting it can be to remove a persons access to a forum.
The decision for the admin of this site to remove the one concerned would not have been taken lightly.
Simple fact is he broke the site rules and probably on more than one occasion. He probably was warned previously for his rude antics.

My personal thoughts are that Cindy has already locked two topics on this matter and we are all more than likely causing her even more stress by continuing to create new threads and topics.

As I said in my post to the op above,
Just sit back and enjoy the serenity.
He was removed for a reason and and the decision should be final.



"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"


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