There was an article on ABC's 2 pm news a little while ago. Apparently the building of bridges and roads has robbed it of it's salt supply, and the locals hope it will be back to PINK fairly soon . That will save a bucket of money on changing all the signs and shop names etc, etc, etc.
"Salt mining and roads blamed for colour change Conservation experts believe the fate of Pink Lake was sealed years ago when a highway and rail line cut off the natural flow of water into the salt lake system. Super saline conditions are needed to support the green algae that accumulates the beta-carotene pigment, the same pigment that colours carrots, which turned the lake pink."
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Many of the salt lakes around Esperance, Lake King, Lake Grace, Kulin and that whole salt lake country have lakes both pink and green. The only real reason that the one in Esperance came to the front of the pack is because it was publicized.