You were obviously reading another macka17. the post he was removed for was definitely rude and offensive as well as homophobic and bigoted. i for one am pleased to see admin step up and not tolerate such behaviour. well done to the moderators for running a tight ship.
There are forum rules ...which not everyone reads....but they include
"..........We do not allow defamatory posts, racist posts or posts denigrating someones sexuality.
........... avoid discussion of politics and religion ......"
The posts in question broke these rules and were, as outlaw40 says "definitely rude and offensive as well as homophobic and bigoted".
Macka a least said what he believes in no beating around the bush, not like the politically correct self righteous zealots that hover around waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting that are merely saying what they feel maybe not as fluently as some or politely, but at least theirs, not some politically correct incoherent nonsense just to satisfy the political minorities that have a need to shove their views down everyones throats. Anyway enjoy you life Macka and as I once said your an interesting fella. Cheers!
Everyone has an opinion and I find as we get older I meet many strong minded people.
My objection regarding Macka was he had a very strong opinion on every subject and often commented on posts with a very long diatribe which often took the thread completely off topic or subject.
It was impossible to create a thread on anything without Macka giving his long drawn out opinion which was so often completely irrelevant and destroyed any possibility of the thread continuing in any kind of meaningful way.