From everything I have read on the electric vehicle subject, John Which does not mean that everything I had read, was exactly true
I am of the opinion that we still need a few more breakthroughs, before we can go true electric vehicles
At seventy years of age, I hope that I am still around to see some breakthroughs Such as ...
Better vehicle battery Better solar, to charge that better vehicle battery, on the run, or for us Grey Nomads, each time we stop
To answer the question .....we can't get the National Broadband Network right ...... who wants to predict the success of a Re-charging Network? I shall predict that our present leaders, (not knowing what our future leaders will be like), will have a success rate of rolling out a recharging network, of about (minus) -14½% I make my prediction, on the facts as I see them, that some of them did not even know, that they were not qualified, to be up there making decisions for us