Hi everyone I hope all are traveling safely and enjoying this great country, I have a request has anyone met the following people Lynden and Sheryl Dorrington from Hobart Tasmania} Sheryl is my sister we have lost touch over the years and am trying to reconnect.
just some ideas. Every state and most larger library's have a reverse phone book series of CDs.easy to use just type in as much or as little detail as you know and up pops all the results. If the number is silent the number is not shown of course but the address still may be.i think government legislation may of changed that recently but as I say was as what it was not long ago. Hopefully she doesnt have an unlisted number. Do another search typing in the address only of the next doors house and street number and give them a ring.
Every electoral office and every state library has available free to the public the entire electoral roll for Australia wide. It's a bit of a task to do a search but start in the electorate you last knew you sister lived in, no good the next step is to do a state wide Search.
Birth death and marriages have a search facility but it costs
Some apps like " android lost my device " may be worth investigating.
Hopefully others will add to my list and good luck is a very worthy cause.
dorian will be along soon I am sure with a pitheria of Internet search alternatives.
Same as me and mine. "I" contact them when "I" want to. not other way around.
IF she wanted to be in contact. SHE would be.
Some of us are NOT close people. I'M one. she may be too.
I last spoke to my brother, when he was 27yrs Last Saw him. At around 13 yrs. MY choice.
and he going to Canada.
Next time was his 70th if I remember right. We both fine with that.
Now I see him once every coupla yrs for a coupla days\week, on way through.
Dave. see him occasionally. 10 yrs. 7 yrs. 20 odd yrs the longest so far..
Just like it was yesterday. We good mates since school days.
just chat on ph for Birthdays. Me 17th June. He 16th June. about 6 yrs apart.
What I'm saying is. IF she wanted to connect. SHE would have, Yonk's ago.
Leave wll enuff alone I reckon.
Thank you to those who replied but I thought i had to answer Macka17:
Unless one knows the circumstances, the family history and what our family has been through or in fact any family, then I feel that comments such as "Leave well enough alone" need to be said very carefully. We don't have phone number or contact on birthday's.
You have told your story, and i respect that, unless you know our story and reasons for trying to contact i ask you to at least respect that.
I respect everybody. regardless. Till they prove otherwise. I believe if somebody wants to contact YOU they will.
Just like the phone. I NEVER call back if I miss a call. Reasoning. THEY want me. THEY'll call again. If they don't they didn't really want me in first place.
Goes for family too. IF you want somebody you can ALWAYS..... get them nowadays.
That's just MY reasoning in life.
YOU really serious.
Go to a Private detective. pay him a coupla hundred. THEY have facilities (Police.courts etc) that we don't.
If they still alive. HE'LL get you address and Ph no. in a week. without any hassles.
Best of luck. Sorry if I "disturbed" you.
I tend to be a little blunt at times. Too much time by myself probably.
Think it. Say it. Whoops.
Too often. That's me.
-- Edited by macka17 on Tuesday 31st of October 2017 01:41:08 PM
You are a miserable person, nearly everything you have to say is negative, and the attitude of, "if they want me, then can chase me." How special do you really think you are? no wonder you have spent so much time alone.