If you are still in NSW before rego due you can get rego papers from RMS 3 months early and get the pink slip, green slip the new rego can then be paid.
If you are in WA when rego due you will need your rego papers and take them to a WA checking station get the checks done and return the paper work to RMS with payment.
If your vehicle is less than 5 years old you don't need a pink slip so you just go online and fix up the green slip and make your payment to RMS.
Hi Batchies,
If like us, you are pensioners, rego cost is free in NSW. We register van and ute in each name and only pay for one greenslip as the van is covered by the ute greenslip.
Otherwise, David has covered it for you.
Rego in Vic is about $58 on cars, vans, motorbikes and anything that needs to be registered. It's our TAC (Transport Accident Commission) levy that's the big cost. Upwards from $360. It used be called compulsory third party which I think is what NSW calls greenslip. Pensioners / Low Income Card Holders get a discount on the TAC fee. We have a his & hers car so they are in each name and we get two discounts. Both vehicles were in my name so as soon as we got discounts, we changed one vehicle to wife. $30 transfer fee and proof of real or de-facto marriage for an $80 saving. That was about 12 years ago. TAC fee does not apply to caravans or trailers (anything not actually driven).
If like us, you are pensioners, rego cost is free in NSW. We register van and ute in each name and only pay for one greenslip as the van is covered by the ute greenslip. Terry
Yes Terry, The interstaters don't realise that NSW is the best state for us oldies to reside in.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.