The bride of fourty years would like to do a Pacific Island cruise. I need to know stuff. Only overseas place we've been to is Frazer Island. Companies to avoid, where on the boat to stay, all the hints and tips that you've learnt on cruising. Cash/cards. All help appreciated.
I've only been on two: One was to the Pacific on P&O Pacific Jewel. It went to Port Vila, Vanuatu, etc. The other (just returned actually) was to the Whitsundays on the P&O Aria.
The Pacific Jewel was the bigger of the two, entertainment was good, multiple bars with entertainment, movies, live shows, gym, on deck entertainment. Multiple restaurants, two free from memory. Food was excellent, less so in the non free restaurants. An excellent trip with shore excursions of your choice (extra $ of course). I'm over indigenous cultures so if I went again I probably wouldn't bother with shore excursions. Restaurants have changed since this trip so don't know what they are like now.
The Aria was a smaller ship with pretty poor entertainment (very amateurish), two free restaurants and a couple non free. Food was pretty ordinary but plentiful and with a good selection: Thai, Chinese, western, etc. On deck entertainment available, but again pretty amateurish. Shore trips to Hayman and Cairns. We just did the Cairns day trip (crook hip).
In general, bigger the ship, better the entertainment, food, excursions and so on.
I would like to do the Brisbane/Sydney to Fremantle cruise across the top. Other than that I wouldn't bother. They are good value though, gives the wife a good break and allows you to drink and eat up big if that's what you are in to. Plenty of chances to socialise with those you meet on board or travel with, again, if that's your thing.
Food is Asian western, ie, western food cooked Asian style.
Both trips we had a window room. Wife wanted a window room, but for me, I don't see the difference between a window cabin or an internal cabin. All you can see out the window is the sea anyway - take an ocean picture with you and stick it on the wall. Balcony is obviously the best if going North but is around twice the price of window cabins. No balconies available when we booked so we settled for a window cabin.
-- Edited by toglhot on Thursday 12th of October 2017 02:36:56 PM
Cruise lines are different and cater for certain groups of client.
P&O generally are at the bottom on the list catering for young families and the party goer. Free food average and you pay for a lot of extras.
Carnival is a family style ship with a decor and activities suited to the very young generation. Entertainment in the live theartre was terrible along with the food.
Costa line don't frequent Australia very often but we found them to be of excellent quality in food and entertainment.
Princess line is our preferred carrier, they tend to favor the older generation except in school holidays. The food in the dining rooms is top quality and in the buffet it is sometimes a little average. Special coffees, alcohol and wine with meals are all extra as one would expect. Live shows are world class and other live entertainment throughout the ship is excellent and all free. Plenty of activities to attend both during the day and night.. Shore excursions on all lines are over priced, go ashore and do your own thing.
Depends on which part of the Pacific you intend to sail?
We have done all the islands on a few different cruises and for our money the 35 day cruise from Sydney as far away as Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, etc is the best value for money.
Fiji can be a little overbearing with tour guides almost having punch ups for your business. Saw a few people quickly walk back onboard upon witnessing the spectacle. New Caledonia over priced and not much there. Samoa poor but interesting.
Generally a good time will be enjoyed onboard if you are in that frame of mind.
You'll eat too much, put on lots of weight, drink too much & listen to too many other peoples life stories. We got bored to snorts doing a daytime cruise to Tassie from Melbourne.
As a complete contrast, many people enjoy the cruising experience, good on them. Each to their own. Enjoy!
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Couple of months ago we went on a cruise with Carnival Spirit to Noumea & several surrounding islands. Quite enjoyed the food & entertainment, crew was friendly & helpful. We had a cabin in the middle of the ship & balcony view, this is important if you want a reasonable ride if theres a large swell, either end of the ship will definitely be uncomfortable. Trip back to Sydney was alittle bouncy.
We did Pacific this time last year . Just do it . Remember it's credit while on board . Pay when you leave . Pay for drink card On entry . In our case we saved . Just enjoy. Be happy . I went 6 weeks after lap band, didn't eat much !
We are embarking on our 11th cruise to Hawaii next May and have been on various lines, we have travelled as a group, family, friends and as individuals as we are next May.
cruises to me are fantastic and yes, some lines are superior to others but at the end of the day, the enjoyment of the trip is entirely up to ones self, if it is to be, it is up to me is the principle to aim at. The sky isnt the limit in food, entertainment, social meetings, shore excursions and general onboard happenings.
As far as accomodation goes, again it is a matter your own choice and what you do with it, for me, all you use it for is sleeping, bathing and down time if you ever need is still enjoyable if you make it that way. For instamce, on our 1st cruise on the last cruise of the P&O Arcadia we we broke and on our honeymoon, we not only had an indoor cabin but it was down in the boon docks with a shared corridor amenties, the last 6 cruises have all been balcony and upper deck cabins, sure they are more luxuriously appointed but as I said, it is after hours comfort only for us (although these days with the deteriorating health of my wife) we may spend a little more time in the cabin, but in reality, 90% of your active hours is spent outside the personal satisfaction is completely up to you.
To be honest, probably the most enjoyable cruise we ever did was the impoverished initial cruise on Arcadia, we went alone and finished the cruise with a tight knit group of 6 other couple, one of which we are still close friends with today and regularly visit each other. Mind you, we were in our mid 30s and on our honeymoon and so were our close friends on that cruise who are 10 years younger than us, so the spartan accomodation and cramped room didnt impose on our activities in any way.
Cruising is like Life really, You only get out of it what put into it. it Is YOUR choice....enjoy it rgren, there is a ball to be had and make yourself a part of it...otherwise, it will be your fault,
-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Friday 13th of October 2017 08:44:42 AM
-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Friday 13th of October 2017 08:45:39 AM
We have also cruised with Princess line after doing extensive research and found them excellent we will certainly use them in future, Princess line cater to the seniors market and during our two weeks cruise we only saw one family with teenagers on board.
Food in the Buffet is very good and always fresh with heaps of variety and the dining rooms that dont cost extra are excellent, we selected the dine anytime package rather than specific dining time allowing us more freedom.
If you are cruising from a non Australian port they automatically charge gratuities to your on-board account which we like nearly all Australians and New Zealanders went to the reception desk and had removed on the first day on the ship, we took American dollars with us and gave tips to those who provided exceptional service and our cabin steward did very well and greatly appreciated the US dollars.
Scenic tours are much cheaper if purchased on line in each port or by going ashore and then selecting a tour, we found the hop on hop off busses very good and quite inexpensive where the tours through Princess were very expensive, we recommend the princess royal as a great ship.
hope you have a great trip.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
The only cruises that we could recommend are local ones in Fiji.
Blue Lagoon Cruises operate 7 day cruises of the Yasawa Islands. Boats have about 70 passengers maximum. The crew will know everyone's name after the first day. Visit new places every day, beaches, villages etc. Swimming and snorkelling every day on remote tropical beaches. They take the bar to the beach and eat on the beach sometimes or stay on board if that is what you want. They mostly stay anchored up over night in calm water and cruise for a few hours each day over breakfast. No external tour guides to contend with.
Make your own way to and from Fiji.
Highly recommended. We did several while volunteering in Fiji for 2 years.