Wombat (ex GN) has asked me to pass on that Sue & Phil (Sufil on GN) went to their son's wedding yesterday, Sue is still in hospital but was granted ward leave to attend with Phil.
Sue's short term memory loss and eyesight still not the best and she is still an inpatient.
I don't know these folk personally but I always think how nice it is of them to welcome GN's to their home. Sounds like there are some health issues to face but very happy they were able to attend their sons wedding.
Only Wombat is in direct contact with Sue and Phil, so have to wait for his feedback, I will certainly post any updates I get from him here, and hope they can get well from their ops (Phil has had a recent stent op but has had complications and been in and out of hospital also, so very hard on them and all the family).
I have not met the son (or his bride) either but I think Jules and Billy have.
The kindness of Sue and Phil to travelling GN's and other nomads has been tremendous. I think at the moment they just need space to try to recover from their situation and re-assess their future activities if all goes well.
Thanks for the update. Sue, Phil & Tracey are wonderful hosts to GN and good friends. Wishing them all the best and hope things improve very soon for them.
LATEST UPDATE FROM SUES FAMILY Mum went to Sir Charles Gardener Hospital for a brain scan last week , the results from that show that there are areas that have been damaged from lack of oxygen.from when she passed out with an asthma attack . so now the neurological team need to work out the extent of the damage and if it will recover .she will not be coming home for a few more weeks yet We thank you all for your messages and we do let mum know about them Thanks from the family xxx
Hi Weevil, could you please forward well wishes from the travellers chat forum. Sue is a member of TC and we were unsure is anybody was monitoring the TC forum for her
Get well wishes from Travellers Chat members
Best of luck Sue.
Not at Home
Hang in there Sue, we're all on your side.
Get well soon.
That all sucks.
That really sux
Get well soon Sue
All our best wishes and prayers to you
Thoughts and best wishes from us as well. Hang in there and get well real soon Sue.
Thoughts and prayers to Sue and family.
Sending thoughts and prayers for Sue & Phil. Hope she gets to come home soon.
UPDATE ON SUE'S HEALTH mum went to Charlie Gardener Hospital yesterday for an eye scan which showed that there is no problem with her eye sight so that is good news she still cant read and things look a bit muddled but that is from the brain damage she has two areas of damage one affects her short term memory and the other affects how her brain interprets what she sees Even tho she cant see to answer the phone if you would like to call and leave a message she has no trouble recognizeing voices and hearing from people will brighten her day For those that dont have it her number is 0409115812 Thanks
-- Edited by jules47 on Thursday 19th of October 2017 10:09:55 PM
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Tracey is reading the posts I think - but I will send it to her - the brain is an amazing machine - it has numerous ways of healing itself - let's all hope this is true for Sue and the family, and friends.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Spoke on messenger to Tracey today, she passed on the good wishes, and remembered the people, and us, but can't remember that we are over here, and were at her place, when she fell ill - so it is short term memory - remember the movie - "50 First Dates" Drew Barrymore and - can't remember his name.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Good to hear Sue is at home. a better environment to help with memory issues.
I did try the FB link that was earlier noted by Weevil, but didn't have much luck - I am not very techy.
Thanks for the update guys