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Post Info TOPIC: September records broken as Ipswich swelters above 40 degrees...


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September records broken as Ipswich swelters above 40 degrees...

September temperature records were broken in south-east Queensland as the mercury soared above 40 degrees Celsius in parts of the region.

Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Steve Hadley said new records were set west of Brisbane when it reached 40.1 degrees in Ipswich, as well as 39.5 in Gatton and 39.5 in Beaudesert.

Drink plenty and keep cool People. !!!   

K.J.    wink


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And there are still idiots around that think climate change is not a reality! imslow.gifimslow.gif


Cheers Keith & Judy

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Desert Dweller - I am one of those 'idiots' you refer to so obviously I am not as bright as you.  In 1943, the temperature in Ipswich got to  39.2 (less than 1 degree cooler than 'the record').  Seeing you are so clever, can you explain to this idiot what happened 74 years ago to produce a temperature of 39.2 degrees and if climate change is so prevalent, why did it take 74 years to produce a day at .9 degrees hotter? 



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No globable warming in WA for the last week. When Perth has 10 degrees at midday it means we came south too soon. Neil


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Is this what they call "Global Warming"
Perth day before yesterday and it is the end of September...go figure ??


Des and Jane

Rockingham W.A.



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Can't believe we left Jimboomba and it's extreme temperatures, and now in FNQ, experiencing only temps around 30 degrees..... Glad we are up here in the north, and enjoying the milder temperatures.


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me too


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Great time of year to be in North Queensland most get there to early and leave to early .


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Records are made to be broken-but I'm curious- what time of the year did Ipswich previously reach 39.1? Was it September, or some other time such as mid-summer?

The Bureau are quite clear- and they are the "experts" in this field, so I listen to them (see quote below). Australia is warming, and most of it has occurred relatively recently. One of the lamentable consequences is the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. I'm just glad I got to see it before the damage got too great.

There are those who point to the current flattening of the world's temperature graph and claim that it proves that global warming has ceased (Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt are two of the biggest offenders). Not so. We've been there before- over periods as long as 15-20 years the rate of warming has leveled off, but it has always resumed its upward trend. There's no reason to believe that this time is any different. What causes these occasional flattenings and spurts isn't well understood- there's a few ideas but proof is lacking. But that doesn't mean that the warming isn't happening. It just means that short term impacts are complicated. The long-term trend is still up.

That said, individual records and isolated events are weather, not climate. But if we keep getting record events more and more frequently, then it is reasonable to assume that we have a long-term trend taking effect. Whether that's the case for Ipswich (or Perth) remains to be seen. We humans operate on time frames that are too short to see a long-term trend developing.

Good luck to all the grandchildren out there, they may need it.



"The new data show that Australia has warmed by approximately one degree since 1910. The warming has occurred mostly since 1950.

The frequency of daily temperature extremes has also changed since 1910. The number of weather stations recording very warm night-time temperatures and the frequency with which these occur has increased since the mid 1970s. The rate of very hot daytime temperatures has been increasing since the 1990s.

The warming in the ACORN-SAT dataset is very similar to that shown in international analyses of Australian temperature data and very closely matches satellite data and warming of sea surface temperatures around Australia. This agreement provides added confidence for decision makers, and reinforces our understanding of the changing climate."

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