Could anybody out there recommend a good reasonably priced van cover. I have a Supreme caravan 20' (outside bottom measurement). Happy to use Ebay if a good seller can be recommended.
Thanks in advance
Mark & Chris
You are only young once but, you can be immature for ever.
Hurls I've had two; Camec (didn't last 18 months), SCA didn't do 12 months.
If you have space build cheap carport (don't need concrete pad) alsynite panel in top for solar - You can add some clear café curtains around sides when on special for extra protection gives better hail protection doesn't scratch van, a Herc-Alloy chain concreted in as anchor near axles total security - It will outlast your van and cost a lot less in short period of time.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
I have a white vinyl tarp 20' by 10'. Bought it for less than $100, it's onto it's second year now with now signs of deterioration.
A bit of a pain to put on. have found if I roll it onto a 3m 90mm pvc pipe I can unroll it on the roof tying it down as I unroll that way if there is a little wind it won't blow off.
There you have it the roof protected for the harsh weather especially the WA sun which really does a number on the joints and fittings on the roof.
I bought a ADCO Caravan Cover 16-18' (4896-5508mm) for $343 from RV Part Express. It's a very generous size and actually goes over the a-frame in my case. Needs to be on and off a couple of times to get used to it. All the stuff on the roof (TV aerial, A/C, shower vent) don't make it easy to slide a cover over.
If you are going down the tarp or van cover path you might consider tieing a few broccoli boxes on to the roof first. I use a string of 3 at both ends & one on top of the A/C. This gives the essential air gap and also prevents the tarp/cover from rubbing on the duco.
To complete the set up, I put my shade cloth floor mat over the lot. This gives extra life to the cover & provides extra structural protection (along with the air gap) against hail et al.
I use rubber bands made from tyre inner tubes as springs on each tie down point.
Oh yes .. I use the same process as Nurzo to roll the tarp over the roof.
Edit .. Forgot to mention that I leave all of the roof openings closed (cooler that way) but open all of the windows & the door to aid in air flow. Curtains are pulled well back so they don't get dirty.
My silver tarps ($110) last about 5 years & the shade cloth ($120) for 20 years.
But I would much much rather have a carport.
-- Edited by Cupie on Sunday 24th of September 2017 11:08:30 AM