Will be moving on later in the week to Lakes Entrance. Currently at Oxley just out of Wangaratta.
Looking at going Wodonga/Tallangatta to Lakes Entrance via the Omeo Highway that eventually links up with Great Alpine Road.
Just checking from Nomads that have been through the area "RECENTLY" with 2.5/3.0 ton of caravan of what the road conditions are and in general any advice.
The Great Alpine Road (Omeo to Bairnsdale) has some very narrow and twisty sections which are no problem provided traffic is not coming in the other direction.
The road sees a number of semi-trailers supplying Omeo and the farms and the drivers are sometimes a little casual with such a large vehicle on such a narrow road.
The weekends (especially long weekends) see an excess of middle age men on motorbikes all pretending to be Peter Fonda in Easy Rider. Many of them come to grief on that road - I have helped two.
I suggest you do the Omeo to Bairnsdale section early in the day (8am to 10am) on a Monday to Friday. It's not an issue, just take it nice and easy, pull over to let followers pass (the locals drive faster than you) and don't fight with semi-trailers.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
I am looking to hear from someone who has actually towed this highway in the lat say 6/12 months with a reasonable size van. We have 23' of Jayco being 3ton using Landcruiser for the job.
Both roads from Tallangatta to Omeo (via Mitta & Mt Hotham) are sealed. I thought you were maybe talking about which one is passable due to ice & snow. As noted, both roads have heaps of bikes, particularly at weekends and trucks and rigs just like yours. The one over Mt Hotham is a bit of a pull but probably the better road for towing provided there is no snow or ice. I believe it is narrow and twisty from Mitta to Omeo.
There is still a lot of snow and ice around so personally I wouldn't takle it at the time you say especially with the size rig you say.
You could take the long way and slip down to Semour then across to the M1 then on to Lakes, easy peasy. OR Slip over to Canberra and take the Monaro Hwy, I have found that easy going and shouldn't have any snow and possibly no ice, maybe just a little slippery first thing on a real low temp morning. Taking the Monaro you join up with the M1 and you can slip into Lakes the back way. Mmmmm, or the front way, depends what way you go I spose.
Most of all,
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
And never jump into the river to cool off, even on a hot day when the pure water looks so inviting. It's just above snow & ice temperatures just about all year round. I jumped in one very hoy day in early December at Mitta. Never again.
Not a very bright idea from our recent and long term experiences. Be prepared for some white knuckle driving.
Keith,I don't see nothing white knuckle on this hwy.Unless you are on the back his bike in this speed - ed up drive.Lovely drive now,just take care South of the Blue Duck.
-- Edited by Plain Truth on Monday 18th of September 2017 01:18:52 PM
Same as any winding country road, stay on your side of the road and travel at a speed that is apprioate for the condition.Nothing white nuckle about the road unless you make it white nuckle yourself.
Keep an eye on the weather report for the area & if coming from Tallangatta give the Mitta Mitta general store a ring & ask for a road report, they are very helpful.... we travel the road constantly with a 20ft van & Do Not consider it "not a very bright idea"
Try to travel say 10-11am to 2-3pm no fog & beautiful scenery. Jim
The Great Alpine Road (Omeo to Bairnsdale) has some very narrow and twisty sections which are no problem provided traffic is not coming in the other direction.
What is the current snow situation along the GAR? Will it thaw in the next week? He will be going before October which also means he will have to carry snow chains.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
I am looking to hear from someone who has actually towed this highway in the lat say 6/12 months with a reasonable size van. We have 23' of Jayco being 3ton using Landcruiser for the job.
I drove the Omeo Highway early last year. That was after the final sealing of the gravel section was done, I don't think much would have changed since then. There were plenty of curves in the road between Tallangatta and Mitta Mitta. The road is the older standard two lane road. The road from south of Mitta Mitta is of the current wider standard, however the curves are more numerous to the point of following each other without any straight road. My road speed was more limited by the curves on that stretch than the other. I would check for the presence of snow before proceeding.
As reported above there are plenty of camping areas along the way that would make good morning tea/lunch stops. I would prefer to travel that way rather travel that way for your trip than travel the extra 200 odd km through Melbourne.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.