Good news for the "Liquor Heads" living here in W.A.
ALDI are now allowed to sell wine and spirits from their stores, and "BOY" is it cheap,
You can get an "Award Winning Wine" here for less than $5.00 per bottle , This is going to shake up the likes of Dan Murphy and other bottle shops, who have been controlling the prices of Booze for too long here.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Lots of articles in the media recently about retirees & older folk drinking too much sometimes resulting in alcohol related dementia. A lot of it is related to being bored.
We're not being party poopers, we enjoy a few drinks too but only about 4 days per week. Do your liver a favour & have a few non-alcohol days every week.
Cheap grog is very tempting.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Do you check out your ALDI grog in WA with your vegemite & milk as we do in Vic? Some states grog & groceries cannot be checked out together.
I like the cheap stuff but I don't drink the savings.
Unfortunately for those in the southern part of Perth, we still have to W.A (wait awhile) for Aldi shops down here to carry alcohol.
Same situation with Chemist Warehouse and so many other chain retailers who offer big savings throughout the rest of large cities
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
However we find comfort in a glass of Aldi's Andersons Reserve dry red at $8.99 in the cask.
I never drink cask wine, Ever. That's why I pour it into a clean Penfolds bottle to take to Happy Hour.
The comments of how good our penfolds is, makes me LOL.
Over in Sydney here If you don't get to our local store early you miss out, and have to travel to the next Aldi store 2 mins away. It just walks off the shelf.
"HMMMM" Sounds like Aldi should start up a Home delivery service, the same as Coles and Woolies,
I might have to drop a suggestion to them via email,
I know how well it would go, especially when I've missed out on some of their specials. by not lining up hours before day break, like a lot of people have been doing here.
I chased a mini BBQ a while back, we got to the store about 10min after opening time, all that was left was empty shelves, on asking the Bird serving, where the BBQ's were, she laughed and said, " you should have been here about 4 hours ago", they all went in the first couple of minutes, "DAMN" I bet it will be the same with the wine or beer specials, !!!
Luckily I'm not a big drinker of any particular type of liquor, so I'm not that worried about missing out, but it would be nice to get what they advertise, when you want it.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
While in Queensland, supermarkets are not allowed to sell alcohol. It appears that the thinking is that we will become raving drunks if we can buy alcohol with our groceries. Perhaps it is time that the Qld govt stood up to the hotel industry.
However we find comfort in a glass of Aldi's Andersons Reserve dry red at $8.99 in the cask.
I never drink cask wine, Ever. That's why I pour it into a clean Penfolds bottle to take to Happy Hour.
The comments of how good our penfolds is, makes me LOL.
Over in Sydney here If you don't get to our local store early you miss out, and have to travel to the next Aldi store 2 mins away. It just walks off the shelf.
While in Queensland, supermarkets are not allowed to sell alcohol. It appears that the thinking is that we will become raving drunks if we can buy alcohol with our groceries. Perhaps it is time that the Qld govt stood up to the hotel industry.
I don't see a problem with shopping all in the one spot.
Saves the green house gases, time and having to drive around the corner to find yet, another parking spot.
Woolies and Coles are very discrete by placing theirs next door, so you don't miss them. Just adds to their and our costs.
If they were as smart as Aldi they could save big $$$$$.
I could become yet a consultant for them both as well. Not hard to make a buck when its your own money been spent.
In Vic IGA stores have grog in same store. You can come out the grog register with groceries (basket full, not a trolley) but not the other way. Coles & Woolies grog seems seperate the days. Some stores had same setup as IGA.
Grog is actually good for you. IN Moderation
Some of it.
Me. I've gone through the bottle and a bit every day (Brandy)Syndrome.
Nowadays Decent Single Malt. I allow myself a bottle every 6 months.
and have 5 in cupboard at present with up to 1\2 contents in most. All different.
One shot that's it. Unless a party.
Then I have 2. and top me up with Orange juice.
All those wines etc taste like vinegar to me. YUK.
Mate owns a Vinyard that sells to Hardy's for their US Red. Table wine stocks.
People reckon it good. He always drops me 5 or 10 ltrs in on way past.
Trying to convert me. even after 30 yrs. MY visitors get it.
Me. Arrrgh. Glass of orange juice quick.
If a person likes a drop. Find a local vinyard. get friendly with one of his drops.
It's a LOT cheaper than dealers.
We had one. Made a nice Port. (Whiskey port).
He Had a supply of US Bourbon kegs del from States every 5 yrs.
Filled with his 3 yr port. Stood for 5 yrs and sold as 8 yr Whiskey Port.
Better than $30 a bottle from stores. ($8 per Flagon)
I had a standing 10 gall order every batch for over 30 yrs.
kept it in a 10 gall Oak cask. (Grand daughter has it now, She brews Spirits.)
Well I've just come home from Aldi's , Being the first visit since they started to sell wine spirits and beer,
"HELLS BELLS" either there is no where else in Perth selling cheap grog, or there are more drinkers here than I realised,
You couldn't move in the store I went to, being near Forrestfield in Perth's East, there must have been hundreds there, and grabbing cheap grog by the basket full,
I must admit I came out with a couple of bottles of good sparkling wine myself, all up cost under $ 11.00.
One great draw-back to buying spirits at Aldi, is that they will make you go through one nominated single till only, this caused a huge line up of people, most of them carrying cartons of liquor, heard plenty of grumbling in that line,
Overall there seems to be a good selection on the shelves and I've never seen it so cheap, I might have to do a return run in the not too distant future.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
The Aldi I go to in NSW now has 2 checkouts for grog, once the novelty wears off there is no longer the crush to stock up on grog, Aldi in NSW have now been selling grog for quite a few years.
The Keepers Glove port is not a bad drop, much better than many other more expensive brands.