Something most Sailboarders. and Sailors use.
and wouldn't be a bad idea for everybody,
I forget not all know about it.
Go "Windyty" on net. then put a link on your lappie\phone, whatever.
Then the vertical column on lower right side of symbols.
Touch each Symbol.
and information from it will impose it's details over the screen.
Another good thing. For actual "LOCALITY" weather.
VERY accurate.
Is to bring up "Airport weather".
Then tap airport in locality you wanting on the page that comes up.
OR just put in the Airport you want.
Their now. ACTUAL Weather comes up. with info on forthcoming.
We used to use the HF radio to get those details.
(Automated verbal messages and any warnings).
Plus bearings from, less coastal deflection.For coastal nav.
Looks like a good site, once I play with it for a bit.
I'll save with my favourites in my Weather folder.
Thanks for that.
See Ya ... Cupie