I havent but we purchased a waeco cf18 small chest fridge/freezer 3 years ago. Its been around Oz and has worked faultless.
Seen them advertised for as low as $459 by BCF. Better value IMO.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
It will keep contents cooler than the outside temperature but does not get as cold as a fridge, it is not a compressor fridge.
It will bring the temperature of the contents down approx 20 degrees below the ambient temperature.
IF you'e lucky.
we have an 18ltr on rear seat of Di's Honda for shopping.
meat milk butter etc.
Drop a freezer block in when leaving home.
Always turned on and running when engine running.
BUT Just a cooler.
Treat it as such. Not a problem.
Drinks when going for a drive. That's about it.
Just a modern Ice box.
Ingrid, your question is very open ended. Which one of those coolers do you mean. Most of them are Esky type units. The few of the thermoelectric coolers I looked at work on the Peltier effect. They have a "4 A peltier cell with 12 V direct feed or built-in 230 V adapter, cooling max. 17°C below ambient temperature." This is very inefficient and very power hungry. A compressor fridge will draw 3.5 A for approximately 1/3rd of the time (more in hot weather) resulting it using 28 Ah or a little more in a day. The thermoelectric coolers will draw 4 A continuously or 96 Ah per day. The compressor fridge will maintain refrigerator temperatures in a 40 degree ambient temperature where as your proposed unit will maintain a cavity temperature at 17 degrees below ambient (or 23 degrees on a 40 degree day.)
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.