Ar, don't worry about 'em KJ. For every regular here who's a bit negative, there are 50 non-posters/visitors who will gain from the info and comparos. It's just grumpy ol men like me with a hormone imbalance.
Ar, don't worry about 'em KJ. For every regular here who's a bit negative, there are 50 non-posters/visitors who will gain from the info and comparos. It's just grumpy ol men like me with a hormone imbalance.
Yes, at times I do wonder Jock, I'll say no more about the new book until it arrives, then I'll let everyone know what I think of it,
It should have been here by now, It's coming from Brisbane via land transport, probably stuck in the back of a truck out in the middle of the sand patch somewhere !!!!
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Look like it's the smaller book not the full size, My Camps 8 is much larger in size , Hope you are not expecting the big camps book .
What are you referring to? Page size, number of pages or entries? I have purchased most of the issues and have found no difference in page size in the standard issue book. The Campsnap editions are thicker as they have a lot of pictures to accommodate but the info comes from the same database.
As far as all the other books go CAW remains the premier book.
As for the apps, we all know they exist. We all know that WikiCamps is the best. We have here a tip off that CAW is available at a good price from the nominated supplier.
There are some of us out here who prefer to have a book in hand to use (I use both WikiCamps and CAW as applicable.) We who use books are sick to death with you one eyed apps users telling us we should be using them.
-- Edited by Webmaster on Friday 28th of July 2017 10:00:33 PM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Wikicamps will destroy most, if not all, of the good free camp sites in the fullness of time.
I ask, HOW will Wiki camps destroy good free camps?
The problem is that there are a certain proportion of people who camp, caravan and such who are lazy, foolish, selfish, self-indulgent, careless and usually rude.
We all know of these people: They defecate around camp sites and leave their unburied mess and toilet paper to blow around. They throw bottles and cans into firepits. They leave litter. They dump stuff that breaks because they "don't need it any more". They cut down growing trees - even if they are green and won't burn well. They get drunk and shout and swear loudly at 2am. Etc....
These people have always been with us and always will be. I suspect their numbers remain constant across times - in my experience I'd put them at around 20% of the total population of campers.
In the past, because they are lazy and selfish, they have not put any effort into finding campsites. When they want to go bush, usually at holiday times, they just go to the nearest and easiest place and if that's full (and it has to be *very* full to deter them) they drive a little further to the next easiest spot.
That was no real problem because the other 80% of us knew where these people collected and avoided those places like the plague and kept the location of our good camp sites to ourselves and people of a like mind.
Certainly there were books (Camps Oz and the like) and websites which listed better camps but they took effort and/or money to find and the selfish, lazy people were not about to spend $50+ on a book or join a forum in the hope of finding good sites for their two or three bush trips a year - far too much work.
And this is where Wikicamps comes in....
Now, for $5, every d!ckhead in the country has a full database of many of the best campsites in Australia at his fingertips. He doesn't have to make the effort we made to find these places he simply scrolls the screen and there they are.
So instead of most of the d!ickheads congregating in their few camps which they wantonly destroyed they are now nicely spread out across many of the good ones so it may take them a little longer but they'll destroy those just as effectively. We have seen exactly the same thing happen here in Victoria via Rooftop Maps - stacks of very hard to find wonderful, remote camp sites on an excellent map for $10 - no d!ckhead can resist it.
Over the past few months two good sites have been reported closed on this forum and the consideration was that it happened after they appeared on Wikicamps.
I ask you: who really thinks it's a good idea to advertise your treasures to every member of the public?
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Wikicamps will destroy most, if not all, of the good free camp sites in the fullness of time.
I ask, HOW will Wiki camps destroy good free camps?
The problem is that there are a certain proportion of people who camp, caravan and such who are lazy, foolish, selfish, self-indulgent, careless and usually rude.
We all know of these people: They defecate around camp sites and leave their unburied mess and toilet paper to blow around. They throw bottles and cans into firepits. They leave litter. They dump stuff that breaks because they "don't need it any more". They cut down growing trees - even if they are green and won't burn well. They get drunk and shout and swear loudly at 2am. Etc....
These people have always been with us and always will be. I suspect their numbers remain constant across times - in my experience I'd put them at around 20% of the total population of campers.
In the past, because they are lazy and selfish, they have not put any effort into finding campsites. When they want to go bush, usually at holiday times, they just go to the nearest and easiest place and if that's full (and it has to be *very* full to deter them) they drive a little further to the next easiest spot.
That was no real problem because the other 80% of us knew where these people collected and avoided those places like the plague and kept the location of our good camp sites to ourselves and people of a like mind.
Certainly there were books (Camps Oz and the like) and websites which listed better camps but they took effort and/or money to find and the selfish, lazy people were not about to spend $50+ on a book or join a forum in the hope of finding good sites for their two or three bush trips a year - far too much work.
And this is where Wikicamps comes in....
Now, for $5, every d!ckhead in the country has a full database of many of the best campsites in Australia at his fingertips. He doesn't have to make the effort we made to find these places he simply scrolls the screen and there they are.
So instead of most of the d!ickheads congregating in their few camps which they wantonly destroyed they are now nicely spread out across many of the good ones so it may take them a little longer but they'll destroy those just as effectively. We have seen exactly the same thing happen here in Victoria via Rooftop Maps - stacks of very hard to find wonderful, remote camp sites on an excellent map for $10 - no d!ckhead can resist it.
Over the past few months two good sites have been reported closed on this forum and the consideration was that it happened after they appeared on Wikicamps.
I ask you: who really thinks it's a good idea to advertise your treasures to every member of the public?
I take great offence, GREAT OFFENCE, being referred to as a DICKHEAD because I use an app called Wikicamps.
You should be ashamed!
You have insulted thousands of Grey Nomads.
Cheers, Richard (Dick0)
"Home is where the Den is parked, Designer Orchid Special towed by Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited"
"4x250W solar panels, Epever 80A charger and 3x135Ah Voltax Prismatic LiFePO4 Batteries".
Dick0 wrote: You're backtracking now. Very clear what you have been intimating!
If you read my previous posts to this forum you'll find I don't "backtrack" and also have no hesitation about saying what I think.
It seems you are choosing to deliberately misinterpret my post. So be it; I have no control over the way your mind works.
In any event none of it makes a jot of difference to the certainty that people putting quality camp sites on Wikicamps and its ilk are guaranteeing those camp sites will be damaged and/or destroyed by d!ckheads.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
"It's arrived" Yep I received the Camps 9 Book Via Courier a couple of minutes ago,
Just to dispel any doubts about this book, I can say, it's as big, if not bigger than the A4 Camps 5 which I had, it's clearer and better laid out than the earlier versions, it has a total of 448 pages ( Camps 5 = 408 pages )
I must say that I'm very happy with this purchase, and would recommend it for those ( like me ) who don't have access to all the other APP's .
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Does it list "free and low cost" camps and RV areas or is it exclusevely published to only list caravan parks?
Camps Australia Wide primarily lists freedom camp-sites and day use areas but it does include low cost caravan parks in remote areas. There is a companion book, Caravan Parks Australia Wide, that lists most caravan parks.
-- Edited by PeterD on Friday 28th of July 2017 01:05:00 PM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.