After the death recently of a person in a Honda CRV due to a faulty airbag I thought I'd try and find out just what vehicles are effected as there seems little publicity about the problem till someone dies. Anyway I found this Australian Government site:
Thanks Hako, I will certainly pass this valuable link onto my family as they have a vehicle that could be effected as it is on the vehicle list.
PS. Lucky my 'useless 1996 Toyota Hilux 4x4' utility' won't be affected by the recall as it has no airbags to worry about hey!! I guess it's not the impact that will cause me harm, just the sudden stop, as they say! Ha Ha! (Sorry mate, no pun intended, I am just getting some extra 'fun mileage' out of a certain person's previous comment on the forum regarding my pride & joy!) Gwynnie @ matildatraveller
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Please note it is the second recall on these airbags as the first recall were replaced with faulty airbags as well.
I've lost count of the number of recalls. The first of those recalls was in the mid 2000s as that 2001 - 2004 batch were proved to be faulty. What's wrong with the manufacturers? They had that early 2000s batch of bum bags but they still produce new batches of them.
I note that there are a number of pre 2008 vehicles on the list.They should have had their airbags replaced (or planning to replace) under the 10 year end of life limit.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.