We came across this sign at a free campsite while travelling through Corfield in outback QLD near Winton. We thought it was a classic and maybe there should be more around!
We use a caravan, an off-road camper trailer for remote places & a 3 roomed tent, we have no particular preference for either. We use the tent when we tow our 17ft boat.
We'd love to see how some of these ''euro luxury glampers'' would go under canvas for a few nights. Great sign, LOVE IT!
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Billioner and others. That go broke. are usually Entepreneurs who don't know when to stop. Greedy. Too much expansion. NO backup. One downturn. ALL gone.
Unless you have a missus with enough nouse to put aside the family nest egg in her name.
My Missus was an Entrepeneur on small scale. Owned a Bingo Business in Melbourne. Not leased. Owned.
Making you own money had nothing on that. Gov't Guarantee of 14% of all takings. 4\700 seats x 2 a day. 364 days a yr. Bought it for 1\4 mil. Sold for $3m.
The "broke" city persons are where the big money is. Believe me. Dreamers. One day. maybe. And she was only one of the small ones there. You wouldn't believe the money floating round in those places. City's.
-- Edited by macka17 on Thursday 20th of July 2017 07:40:39 AM