Families on school holidays are flocking to the Stirling Ranges in the Great Southern region of WA to see snow, which is expected to fall for the second time this week.
I'm just a bit under 70 YO and still have never seen snow. The only time we went down there to check it out on a forecast.. it didn't snow!
G'day Jock, I'm a bit over 70 and coming from N.Z. I've seen enough snow to last me a couple of life times, so there's no way I would want to travel all the way down there to get my butt frozen off again thanks L.O.L.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Yeah K.J. I can imagine. My daughter's partner is a NZ expat and they go skiing from time to time at Whistler (Canada) and Japan. They haven't asked us to go too. We'd pass on it if they did. Bluff Knoll's about all the cold we could stand.
Ha ,snow is kinda a big deal here in the west , but I dont know about driving 300 and queing to see it .
I have some real old news papers up the shed with articles and pictures of snow half a meter deep that fell from around Northam to katanning in the 40s , must have been quite a sight .
There was a drop down at Ongerup or somewhere down that way a couple years back, I think. Been known to fall at Dwellingup a long time ago too, but I never saw it in my years up there with Alcoa.