Rocket it was a very popular camp till it became over run with feral's , It was closed down has overnight camp to a day rest area at the request of the local Police , We have a friend who was a manager in the council at the time , I think most people did not know it had had opened again to overnight camping .
Rocket it was a very popular camp till it became over run with feral's , It was closed down has overnight camp to a day rest area at the request of the local Police , We have a friend who was a manager in the council at the time , I think most people did not know it had had opened again to overnight camping .
Thanks brickies. The trees they planted are a decent size. Hope it does reopen. It is such a beautiful spot. A university is going in across the road also. In a few years time petrie is going to be a lot busier. Shame About that.
we are amongst the victorian migration and heading where the weather suits my clothes. Might even see dougwe.
He is very nice fellow to glad you were happy with him enjoy North Queensland , If you get to far north Walkamin central caravan park is a real treat , Half way between Atherton and Mareeba .