We have a small off road van (Coromal Magnum). We like the van but not the bed layout. It has a island double bed and we would like to change to single beds. Just wondering if anyone has any info as to the cost etc.
I know nothing of the cost but think it could be an interesting project.
We have singles in our van and boy does it open the van up plus some added storage available under the beds. Suggest you find a van with singles and see how they are set up. Then tackle it yourself if you like diy things. In our van I installed pull out draws under each bed which made it a snack to get at things. IE no lifting beds etc. Cheers Dodg.
I was tired yesterday and I'm tired today betcha I'm retired tomorrow. he he.
Your biggest problem will be matching the colour but if that's not an issue then it's pretty easy if your good at woodwork. You need to make it as light as possible but still have strength. Just think of it as a series of boxes joined together. Use some 2 x 1 light timber like Merranti for the frames then use no more nails to glue the ply to it. And allow for plastic joiners and capping around the edges. Upto 3mm ply can be scored and snapped using a Stanley knife. A fine tooth blade in a Renovator type tool works well as well for cutting shapes around arches.
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