I mentioned early this month that I had scraped the side of my caravan on a Servo bowser whilst looking for the elusive diesel pump..in a large City Servo in country Victoria...
$300 cosmetic damage to my van...it was a light scrape....you won't believe the supposed ""damage"" to the servo bowser, metal shroud..
Today I received a "Letter of Demand' payable in 14 days from the Servo's Insurers.....""repairs"" to the bowser supposedly totalled $23,204.32.........!
They have made no other contact with me except for this Letter of Demand with details of their Bank Account where I am supposed to deposit the amount within 14 days....
I am glad I took half dozen photos of the bowser metal shroud ,which had a slight lean, with no fuel spillage or apparent damage to the actual pumps...
Itemised account includes multiple return trips from Melbourne to this large country Victorian City, plus accommodation for the 'experts' to inspect/ repair/install pump..blah..blah..blah....17 expensive items/service totalling $23,204.32....including 'dancing girls?'.......
Although I did not go back after advising their 'Duty Manager' who was not even aware....I'll wager that pump was back in action pronto....otherwise there would no doubt be 'loss of business' component in addition....it only happened a few weeks ago..
The Servo's Insurers state they settled their clients claim immediately, and now require full re-imbursement from me within 14 days....
My Insurance Broker assures me I'm covered with $50 excess....have been with them for years.....and to leave it with my Insurers to 'fight it out.'
Can you imagine the strife a simple bowser scrape could cause to anyone who did not hold appropriate Insurance....?
Australia today....unbridled greed without integrity...
My advice is to check your Insurances immediately to see if you would be covered for this sort of bingle... under Vehicle, or Caravan, or Third Party Property damage...?
Me?....I'm going prospecting to get away from current Australian Civilization....I trust my dog, and the animals I see more, than any of these business leeches/fleas/parasites.....
Hoo Roo
-- Edited by Goldfinger on Tuesday 27th of June 2017 06:42:03 PM
'You are loved when you are born...you will be loved when you die....In between, You have to manage!'....
Church Sign: 'Where will you be sitting in Eternity?..smoking, or non-smoking?....
Good onya Mate,stick it right up these money grabbing pricks. Enjoy the solitude of the bush, Stuff the scamming pricks, the country has gone mad with all this sort of stuff, greenies,gay marriage,terriosts,thugs etc.
Back around 1977 when the browser was just a browser, doing a favour for friend went up the road to local servo where he fuelled his fleet 6 trucks anyway With his this particular semi trailer set up it had a long forward overhang from the turntable, I had been in there with my own semi lots of times, new it was tight but do able, as I come round to miss other objects I clipmthe browers and the metal shroud fell of, first responds from the owner was she be right mate its been hit before,
My friend recieve a bill for $700 about 3 months later, what heck up he goes to the servo where by now he spend about $5000 a month on fuel. Not happy.
Keep the story short 2 years later $2100 was the end bill, of course they won. By this time I had a major problem when I called on my insurer to repair my badly damaged truck, they were broke and I had no recoil, after months of fighting we walk away from everything we owned and the worst part I could not help me mate and he did not want help. We are still friendes.
You think that's stiff. Sorry to Rob your blog mate. WE went to our local shopping centre this morning/ closer to noon here in Sydney town.
The Council ranger was on duty with his trusty camera rolling. I was asking him about parking my newish motor bike up the lane next to the post office as there is only one motor bike parking only, around the corner. Which is always filled by a car OR SUV. Nope is his reply. $107 for parking on the foot path. Mate its a lane way that no one ever users..... Nope $107
Excuse me ..... Click Click Click goes his camera Costomer just reversed HALF WAY into parking spot with the car at 90 degs to kerb and popped the boot to load the Vegies.$107 Easy As. So the driver moves his car up three spaces and double parks. CLICK ...CLICK....CLICK another $107 or more. A female walks up to him from the same car and grabs hold of his right arm. Let go he says my camera is recording you. Then the Ranger boasts that he booked 11 vehicles in Disable bays alone today @ $508 a throw.= $5588 alone for a morning work. OUR city of Ryde has 11 Rangers on there books. You do the sums. STIFF AS A Pump.
-- Edited by Hey Jim on Tuesday 27th of June 2017 07:27:41 PM
As soon as I know it has been settled, I won't hesitate to name the Servo in Mildura...they've got buckleys of getting me to sign any confidentiality agreements...I will also be happy to name
my Insurer...I can sleep soundly in my van tonight without the sword of Damocles hanging over my head....mongrels....
Thanks for your positive comments...Hoo Roo
-- Edited by Goldfinger on Tuesday 27th of June 2017 11:03:57 PM
'You are loved when you are born...you will be loved when you die....In between, You have to manage!'....
Church Sign: 'Where will you be sitting in Eternity?..smoking, or non-smoking?....
I know from a friend of mine that if a bowser is damaged in any way then the proprietor is to cease using it until it is repaired, even if it is only cosmetic damage.
The proprietor will then take an average as to what the bowser would have dispensed if not closed down and regard that as a loss of trade. Included in the claim will be additional expenses to facilitate the repair including new parts etc. This is totalled up and usually presented as an ambit claim, which is then subject to being able to prove the claimed amount. It is similar to cases where someone may have a collision with a taxi. It is not only the damage to the taxi that is taken in to account but also the loss of earnings whilst the taxi is being repaired. If you fall over due to someone's negligence, you might claim one million damages as that is the limit for the particular court. It does not mean you will get that amount, that is just the maximum for that court. The claim may settle for 20K, it is just ambit.
Although it may well gall you, the insurers will pay out a fairly hefty sum, because they can prove a loss. Anyway, it is the insurers concern and they will only pay out what they consider the other side would obtain should it be litigated.
Hey Jim . A few years ago I had a beef with Ryde council rangers too . I was fined for parking in driveway while inspecting Street light standard for guess who ? Ryde Council ! I ended up paying the fine . A few weeks latter . One of Rydes council tree trimmers dropped a tree branch over service wires and pulled away the point of attachment / facia on house . Usually I / we repaire this as good will For customer etc . After all I get paid by Ausgrid anyway ! ( the good ole days , not Lilly now ) No no not this time !! Said you put it through insurance ! But that'll cost atleast $500 ..ohh dear how "unfortunate" !! Plus I wrote out an electrical defect leaving the power off . For an Elect contractor to fix .,Two can play that game .. Blaxland Rd . Btw the street light never got fixed for months !! Mcquary rd .
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Thursday 29th of June 2017 11:45:43 PM
G'day everyone,
Some service(?) Stations obviously only want to sell diesel fuel to car drivers as they make it impossible for anyone with a camper or caravan to get in. Coles-Shell Emerald is one that I know well. I wonder if they realise that the Caltex or Woolworths-Caltex just down the road a bit sell much more diesel to caravaners? Trucks? They head either for the Caltex or the Truck stop on the edge of town.
Even a new garage in Ayr (Independent Shell) has issues. Last Monday I came in off the main street but another rig had come in off the town bypass from the opposite side. As I was after gas as well, it was the only row I could access without doing a hop-around to another bower. It was only a matter of waiting for the other rig to move on. If I had continued going in, I would have scraped his van & a bollard.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!