Thank you mate. Was wondering what I had. Am actually Booked into a Podiatrist at 12 today.
Just looked it up.. I've had that for coupla yrs now. On and off.
This last month or so though, it's been there permanently. Recently I can't even stand on my heel when I get out of bed.
I've been a distance runner for near 40 yrs (Till my accident). Not Marathon sprints.(We used to leave cars at start and run back to them in training.) and I loved hill climbs.
I Always fixed it by slipping on a pr of snug fitting hiking shoes with Air insoles.
Go on net and look for "AIR PLUS" Inner soles for hikers. "Total support" -Originals,
Can't buy them round here though. Maybe in city's?.
With those I use the "half sole". Inners. Has Carbon\Kevlar? arch support and a big "gel" ball directly under ball of heel. Magic.
I have several Full size too. for my Boots, and sneakers.
"SPENCO" Are the better ones "I" reckon. For me anyway. 115kg's. recommended for heavier shoes\sneakers.
I got mine when over in the States. You may have to look there (NET)
I KNEW. I was outliving my "Use by" date. This proves it hey.
-- Edited by macka17 on Tuesday 13th of June 2017 11:15:24 AM
Hi Brickies
I suffered from the same problem and there was no improvement in the condition no matter what I tried until my GP told me to wear shoes that gave my feet plenty of support from the moment I got up each morning until going to bed. If you walk around in bare feet, sandals or slippers, things will only get worse. It takes a long while for this problem to go away as it is caused by micro tearing of the tendons in your feet and it take along while for them to finally heal.
Had the same complaint from walking around in bare feet on tiles at home. Doc said to wear inserts in shoes and CROC thongs around in the house. Completely cured
Feel your pain....just went through that for like pretty much 12 months, it finally just gave up.....
I never gave up though - I didn't have the choice.....I read someone had it in both heels....that'd be horrendous. Look in the health section, people gave some good ideas to my post about it a few months ago. Regretfully, I'd done them all anyways, so nothing was going to help more than what I'd done. One of the best things I did was get a walking stick though.
Years ago after complaining at work of sore feet I was told by the company's Physio that I had planter fasciitis, at times I couldn't even stand on them due to the pain. I did all the stretching excercises that he recommended, wore the correct shoes along with the supporting inserts etc. Every few months my ankle and heels would get so bad there would be days I couldn't even walk without being aided by a walking stick. Eventually after going to my GP and having a blood test I was told that I had a high uric acid level which can cause gout when it crystalises in joints such as ankles or toes. He prescribed a drug called Zyloprim which reduces these acid levels and hopefully the risk of not only future attacks but other related problems such as kidney stones. Since taking the medication I have never experienced anything as crippling or as painful as what I now know was gout. Baysidetas it's interesting that you mentioned black cherry juice as that is what is also recommended by Naturopaths as the treatment or prevention of gout.
I still suffer from planter faciitis especially when first getting out of bed so I do the things that the physio recommended including placing a rubber bike tube around the ball of my foot and stretching against it to keep tension on the tendons for a few minutes. I hope that you get back on the road soon Brickies.
Here is a simple treatment for pf.
I can't wear enclosed shoes, never have. Lay a glass stubby bottle (preferably empty) or similar on the floor and using your foot, roll in back and forth under the arch a few times daily. It stretches the tendons. Works for me.
Wish I had what you lot do\did.
Mine's permanent with "Probably" Surgery at end of it
and a 55%chance of helping it.
My Half sole with 2 x side wedges and extra Stick in arch support.
with a few usual stretches. I got out of bed with just a twinge for first coupla dinky little steps this morn.
Walking alright at present. Maybeeeee.
Teach me to walk round in bare feet all my life
unless in boots for work or runners for such.
Last 30 yrs has been 95% bare, or sandals at the most.
Sounds like a few of us are past (or getting there).
Our use by dates.
I suffered too. I bought some PF insoles from Footlogics, and wear them, as well as getting a pair of "OOFOS" thongs. They are amazingly comfortable. I can't say for sure what has (almost) cured me, but if I go a couple of days with me old boots the pain starts to come back.
Hi Brickies
I am a bit late in answering but I have been out and about looking for certain birds and am still away in the country.
I had planter facitis a few years ago and as another member said getting out of bed was agony as was walking over gibber plains looking for birds.
Ended up buying an fs6 compression sock and putting heel lifters in ,both shoes ,i experienced immediate relief.
If i feel a bit of a twinge i will wear the sock for a few days am still wearing the heel lifters in both shoes.
Hope you have recovered by now but if not buy an fs6 .
Grounded here too . Mrs is crook after gall bladder opp !! Waiting to see specialist etc . The subject of traveling north to warmer weather is a no subject at present !! All good I hope !!