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Posts: 9575


Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


Status: Offline
Posts: 3066

We don't need telling Isuzu are one of the better ones.
both for towing and solo.

Nobody I know has a bad word to say.
Economic; Reliable, and fairly comfortable,

With the price difference to others.
You can stick a coupla gauges in there. and an Orthopedic drivers seat.

THEY ARE worth the money. And without the suspension under.
Still leave std seats for dead.

Some MUST have the biggest. Flashest, and most exxy???
Their choices I suppose.
But the mormal ones that just want a sensible price reliable rig.
You can't go past them
ALL Truck gear for a start. Not car bits made to fit.
They are a truck company.

I have the 2010 4 spd Auto. and with a 535 Tandem, full height van.
Towed at road speeds.
Is as economical as the 3 ltr Patrol.
Which drinks fresh air, compared to a lot of others.

Plus. The Auto IS better than manual for towing, Specially with
the Converter Lock up installed
I've been a manual truck\Machinery driver all my life.

But must admit the old Cat 777's and up.
Changed my mind about them.
Extra Cooler, and a good flush now and then.
They great.

(NOT as good a drive as the Disco Rocky.
But a lot more reliable, electronically and probably mechanically too.)



Status: Offline
Posts: 9575

macka17 wrote:


(NOT as good a drive as the Disco Rocky.
But a lot more reliable, electronically and probably mechanically too.)


no Respected elder speak with forked tongue no

Ya prejudices are still as strong (and out of date) as always Macka  

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


Status: Offline
Posts: 3066

Nooooo John.

I love the Landies. Specially the Ser 2 and 2a diesel
Once you modify the Rad placement.
Lift it. They tended to cook as the rad cap was lower than the head.

Coupla mates have the Disco. One next door.
and I've used them.
Beaut thing to drive compared to any other 4by on the roads.

If they had the reliability in Electronics, etc.
I'd have one.

"Nearly" went over the West to pick up a 5 cyl,
When I bought the D-Max. for this light van.
Fully serviced and 95% of known problems sorted. BUT was RED....
with a $6.5k Price ticket. Clean as. (That days photo's taken)

NEVER buy a red car. They faster, Chuckle.
But have more recorded accidents. (They reckon)

Don't know about the latest Exxy ones, I'm talking early models here
as a toy and short haul for van.


MY prejudices are NEVER out of date.
Patrol the best. Toyota overpriced\Rated heaps of sh-t.

Mitzi's comfy

D-Max about the most reliable but basic.

What else.

Oh yes.
Old squareline Fairlanes with Windsor.
The best CARS, EVER. on the road.

Oh. And, (with a capital A).
I like Bridgestone tyres and Castrol Professional Full Synthetic oils.

See Ya.

This machine in my spine working.
I'm chirpy. can do heavier things.

And drugs down to Patch and 1 x 5-2.5mg Targin a day.
Sometimes (after working) a second one.
Going to reduce Patch by 50% at end of this month too.


For the people that it works on.

This NEVRO. Spinal Implant IS magic..
Back. Hips. legs. Neck.

ANYwhere you have chronic (serious. long term pain.)

THE Best $4.2 grand I ever spent.
The bulk subsidised by Gov't.

Plus Plane and hotels in Brissie.


Veteran Member

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Posts: 68

Thanks for putting that up Rocky. As mentioned elsewhere we are contemplating purchasing an MU_X this month (just sold our Triton). I only wish they had a little more payload as with caravan ball weight and a couple of people you aren't left with much. A very nice vehicle though.




Status: Offline
Posts: 9575

macka17 wrote:

Nooooo John.

I love the Landies. Specially the Ser 2 and 2a diesel
GEEZ Macka hmm they are 15 to 20 years old - that sort of makes your opinions a bit outdated. hmm
Once you modify the Rad placement.
Lift it. They tended to cook as the rad cap was lower than the head.


If they had the reliability in Electronics, etc. That is like saying that all 3litre diesel Patrols are 'hand grenades' no 
I'd have one.


MY prejudices are NEVER out of date.
Patrol the best. Toyota overpriced\Rated heaps of sh-t. - Patrols best? .... OH - except those early 3litres ones? confuse

Mitzi's comfy

D-Max about the most reliable but basic. Very subjective opinion there Macka no anecdotal evidence from some owners may challenge you hmm 

What else.

Oh yes.
Old squareline Fairlanes with Windsor.
The best CARS, EVER. on the road. ... yeah your opinions aren't outdated



Ya definitely got heaps of experience and knowledge Macka ... impressive sometimes ....

oh by the way, was that you and Noah regarding that ark ?

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


Status: Offline
Posts: 3066

NOOO John.

I was the one who "advised" him on it......




WHo's the one out of date here then.

"2\2a,---  15 to 20 yrs out of date".


I had them in England in the '60's.

B4 coming here 44yrs ago ('73)

Was just saying I'm a long term lover of Land Rovers.

My first one was a shortie. Series 1.

1500cc Side valve with High\low lever only.

That "permanent" 4wd transm was used for the Rangie originally.


ALL up. The Patrols (3 ltr) had a lot less. General problems than Toyota Landcruisers.

Once the Oilways were sorted and that 5th gear layshaft Whoopsy.

beefed up. (splines).

Plus the GQ was best on road (in comparison to 60, then 80 series)

from day 1.

Ask anybody towing Horse floats (us) THEY were heavier than MOST vans.

or OFF road.

They still the best avail for that, Offroad. As standard vehicles.

Most others use their parts. Especially Toyota.


We could keep this up all day mate.

we both right.


What was the subject again??.


I had one of those early '01. 3 ltrs.   reg'd 02.

Towed my 3 ton offroad van for near 14 yrs. 

ONLY  "BREAKDOWN" no, or stopped because of cry,  cost.

Was a key ring Sensor ($145). And that was at home.

Over the yrs, I've had 2 x Patrols. 1 x Navara.

and one grey Import 4wd wagon.(wife)

That covers near 25 yrs. and the only breakdown in that period.

That's reliable in my eyes.


-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 11th of June 2017 12:21:06 PM

-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 11th of June 2017 12:30:45 PM

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