I'm extremely disappointed in the way fish & chips shops have gone downhill in our fine country, the quality is shocking with most fish being Hoki, if you get a good grade it's okay but usually is not worth going back for another round.
The best I have had in the last 10 years was in Cairns at Ocean World Seafood Market, choose from the board or purchase fresh and have them cook it for you, absolutely mouth watering just thinking about it, my favourite Grunter. What's your favourite fish & chip shop and type of fish?
On our trips to SA we always enjoy the famous Coorong Mullet & Mulloway. We've also been lucky enough to strike some great chips made from SA grown potatoes.
The Coorong Mullet Burgers at the Salt Creek Roadhouse on the Coorong are fantastic. It has a nice low cost small campground with power available right next door. We had burgers twice in our 4 night stay.
On a recent Far South Coast of NSW trip we found the Eden Wharf fish outlet great value & top quality.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Best fish I have had was Blue Eye Trevalla down in Tassie. I am also a fan of Barracouta but it is hard to find. Spanish Mac is nice but not crumbed as dries it out. A drop or two of lime juice not lemon.
Crunchy beer battered chips and a nice garden salad on the side tops it off.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
We are from WA and like fish and chips. The standout fish and chips we have had sadly have not been sourced in WA.
We had some sensational fish and chips from a small fish and chip shop in Kingston SE(King george whiting) in SA .....across the road from the free camp area near the jetty, this was in October 2011 though.
This year in March we had some in Port Albert in Vic which were excellent as well.
If you like the fisherman's basket type order then NZ is your place of choice......Haas in particular.....but alas to far to go to for a take away for us. But the scallops, mussel's, etc were just amazing.
When the Greeks abanded ye ole Fush n Chup shops , Fish n Chips have gone downhill. They purchased quallity Fish n Potatos for the job.
Mindyou Fish back then as well as Chipping spuds didnt cost what it does today.
If you do want quallity Fish you must be able to pick it from the selection yourself and from renown Fish n Chip Shop.
Hence why mostly catch n cook it ourselves nowadays even on the road.
Trouble is purchasing good quallity chipping spuds , all picked too early out of the soil n go soggy when deepfried.
NZ. The far north. Mangonui fish and chip shop over the harbour. Battered bluenose and the best chips ever. A few places on the coast between Sydney and Melbourne have come close though.
When we lived in Dampier in the late 70s the most sort after fish was probably the Coral Trout although personally I preferred a nice pan fried Mangrove Jack. Caught plenty of other types usually the larger ones we stuffed with lemons wrapped in foil and cooked them in an oven or on the BBQ. Don't really have a favourite fish and chip shop I reckon the best tasting fish are the ones that you catch yourself, although the crays you buy on the side of the road near Kaikoura in NZ come to mind.
Born in Stanley Tas, Hurseys is the name of the Big Crayfish F & C, fantastic to eat them in the park beside the little Lighthouse and give the seagulls a few chips. BUT, Albury now has three pretty good shops, Ebden St takeaway South Albury,have them beside Murray River at Norieul Park, Jans Cafe, Wagga Rd Lavington( eat at Foresters Grove Wagga Road)Both have room for big rigs & Vin's Takeaway, Urana Road Lavington( usually in our own backyard) For visitors there is a small park 50 metres away with on street parking,plenty of room.
I second Cervantes WA. Also the general store has great homemade sausage rolls. Pub steak night Wednesday's
Darwin docks, very nice fish and chips cooked fresh
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
We had some sensational fish and chips from a small fish and chip shop in Kingston SE(King george whiting) in SA .....across the road from the free camp area near the jetty, this was in October 2011 though. AL
How things change! Bought fish and chips in that same shop very recently. It was the worst greasy oily garbage I had ever bought. Threw it out after just a few mouthfulls. Asians who ordered before me bought $400.00 dollars worth of Crays, and asked the shop if they would throw in a couple of those little tartare sauce packs. The shop refused.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
Small town just south of Wyalla has the BEST FUSH CHUPS ! Other than Tauranga NZ or Bay of Islands Kingfisher club . SA South coast $15 for fishermans basket for the two of us takes some beating !! Still like my NZ flounder with mussels as side dish . Mouth is watering !
The last time I tried to buy Fisn'n'chips was bayside Melbourne. Only fish they had was that Vietnamese Bassa! Walked out and got good Chinese two doors down! Macka, sorry, my opinion is KG Whiting is good, Gummy Shark great, Spanish Mackerel on the BBQ fantastic, Dhufish in a light batter great. Don't like Coral Trout. Garfish done right, whitebait is yummy, Leatherjacket is undersea chicken. Grew up on flathead. Best freshwater fish is English Perch. Absolute favourite is school prawns caught yourself and cooked in the water you caught them in!
Smoked mullet. The only fish that doesn't have me throwing up everywhere.
Seems I have an allergy to fish except those. Oh, and tinned Sardines in tomato sauce work for me too, Go figure?
Doc reckons it has something to do with the oil and potassium levels in those fish that negate whatever it is that is toxic to me.
But molluscs and crustaceans of any kind are no dramas. Mmmmmmmm
Heading up to near Yeppoon tomorrow. We'll be pumping some nippers on the mudflats at low tide & catching Whiting on an incoming tide.
Whiting coated in flour, egg & breadcrumbs cooked along with chips made from purple eyed Kestrel potatoes. Aaah! You can't beat freshly caught homemade.
If you fail to catch any whiting, the fish shop at Kinka Beach has good fish and chips, also the Roslyn Bay seafood outlet is pretty good but way over priced, I have some job fish and cobia to have for dinner tonight.
i find most seafood outlets on the coast that sell both fresh and cooked from the window are all excellent, my favourite is at Bowen, but Caloundra, Mackay, and several others up north serve a quality product.
-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Thursday 8th of June 2017 07:39:05 AM
Best fish and chips I've ever had was in Cardwell Qld many years ago, the fish was Coral Trout.
In the old days Adelaide was home to many good F&C shops, usually run by Greek immigrants, all gone, now were stuck with overpriced and very ordinary places like Barnacle Bill etc.
Its got to be the fish and chip shop next to the caravan park on the Esplanade at Tin Can Bay. All the fish from there tastes dam good, alwats busy there.....a good sign I reckon
Sharky's in Mandurah WA, on Dolphin key, fresh cooked and perfect batter every time, we find the Bigbite is perfect for two to share, $17.40 and has two fish and a huge portion of fresh chips.
We now reside in Mandurah and visit at least once a fortnight for our F&C treat.
Ciccerello's also do a great seniors deal, 3 courses, chowder to start, fish and chips, then a cake and tea/coffee, all for $17.50. Fish and chips are good but not quite up to sharky's.
Fast N fresh Albany Highway Gosnells. Fish and Chips prepared with quality fish, original size chips, and light crisy batter, batter that snaps its so perfect always golden in colour, the chips just snap in half if you bend them, just like they suppose to. No dark oil spots in batter or on wrappers which signify heavy oil laiden slimmy batter. Fast N Fresh have a fabulous menu and prices aren't over the top. I go here when I pass through Gosnells and have never in 3 yrs had a dissappointing serve. Staff always happy to greet with a smile. They offer drive through service also. I'm rater fussy when it comes to the quality of anything I buy in the food department, this place gets 10/10 from me and others I know that go there....Kisha